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I kept on mumbling to myself as I made my way to the training ground where the other warriors were. I still couldn't believe that mom did that. I'm supposed to train for five hours? I usually train for two hours, and then I will go on patrol if I'm not too tired.

But to train for five hours without any break? That's torture right there.

“What's wrong with you?” Amanda asked, trying to hold back her laughter.

“Gotta train for five hours, without stopping.” I replied, making her laugh out loud.

“What did you do to get that punishment?” Nathan asked after he overheard what I was saying to Amanda.

“Kinda said some things to mom that she didn't like, got knocked out by her in the process, and then I was sent to a cellar to think about what I said. When I came to, mom said that she got Alpha Rick to agree with her, so this is my punishment.” I took out a cigarette, and after lighting it, I started smoking. Nathan shook his head at me while sighing, and Amanda rolled her eyes before going back to what she was doing.

“Serve you right. Do you have work tonight?” West asked after he walked up to me and heard everything, I shook my head at him.

“Alpha Rick gave me some time off, I kind of messed things up with Zy as well, so I wanted to spend some time with him to make it up to him.” Nathan snickered, calling me an idiot in the process.

“Whatever, let's get to it then. After this, I'll probably do some patrolling if I'm not dead by then.” I put out my cigarette and started my training, which was going to suck big time.

“Jet, how many fingers am I holding up?” I looked at West annoyingly and pushed him away from me. He laughed while shaking his head.

“Don't act like a pussy, Jet, I was only helping you. You spaced out a bit there.” West said.

“I was just thinking about sex.” I replied, making him groan.

“How long have I been training for?” I asked, still a bit exhausted.

“Two hours and thirty-five minutes. Want to take a break?” I shook my head at west because I didn't want to stop now. I had to do this, as much as I didn't like it.

We continued training, and I wasn't keeping up with the time to know how long I was here for. I wanted this completed so that I could go and take a nice cold shower and get some sleep.

“I guess patrolling is out of the question.” Nathan said, trying his best not to laugh.

“Why?” I asked in an irritated tone.

“You look like you're about to die, Jet. It's been four hours and forty-five minutes, you've proven your point, now quit.” I looked at Nathan and narrowed my eyes at him, did I look like a pussy to him?

“Fuck off, Nathan, I'm not a quitter. I'm told to train for five hours, and that's exactly what I'm doing.” Nathan shrugged his shoulders and started to walk away from me while saying it was my funeral.

Did he think that I would give up? I won't, so I proved to them that I could do it, and that's what I did.

“Five hours and thirty-three minutes, wow Jet, that's a new world record for you.” West said, as he stood there staring at me, while I was on the ground panting hard and trying to catch my breath.

“Wow, I'm impressed.” Amanda said, clapping and making a fool of herself in the process.

“Um, I need some help to get to my room. Nathan is right, patrolling is off until I can feel my legs again.” Everyone laughed, and I was assisted by Nathan and West to my room.

When I got there, Zy was sitting on the bed using his laptop. When he saw the state I was in, his eyes became wide.

“What the fuck happened to you!?” He shouted, as he got up off the bed and made his way towards me.

“Been training for over five hours without stopping. I need a shower and some sleep. After that, I want some sex, so be prepared.” Zy helped me take a shower and made sure I was alright. When I was finally lying down, he suggested something that I wasn't sure if I could refuse or not.

“Drew gives a good massage. Maybe I could get him here and let him give you one.” I nodded my head, and he sent Drew a mind link to come here.

Since they were marked, they could mind link each other now. Sometimes Zy forgets about it and I would have to be the one to remind him.

Shortly after that, Drew made an appearance, getting ready to give me said massage that zy was bragging about. I would have been mad knowing that he allowed someone else to touch him, but not now. I'm too tired and in pain to care about that right now.

“Get ready to have the best massage of your life. I'll take you to heaven and back.” Drew announced with a grin on his face. Oh, really now? Did he think that he was that good? We'll see about that.

Within ten seconds of receiving the massage from Drew, I was a goner. A mess, as if I was receiving one of the best sex in my entire life.

Fuck, I stand corrected.

I couldn't even keep my eyes open for too long, as I felt myself drifting off into a peaceful sleep. I didn't care about anything else right now, I felt like I was on cloud nine.

When I woke up, it was dark. Zy was sleeping next to me, making me regret closing my eyes. I guess sex was off the table for now. Blade whined, knowing that he wouldn't be getting close to his mate for now.

Oh, fuck.

My teacher, my mate (mxm) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin