The club

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My mind was a mess. Trying to concentrate was proven to be a hard task after what jet and I did in my office. I sighed dreamily, as my mind kept on replaying the scene over and over again. Fuck, I think I need a strong drink and it's only Tuesday. But that doesn't matter. The way jet took his time sucking My dick was something that I could never get tired of thinking about.

It was eight at night when Drew, and I decided to leave for the club. He was so excited he kept on bouncing his legs in the car all the way there. I was happy that he was alright because I wouldn't know what to do if I lost him.

Parking the car when we arrived, I got out and drew nervously followed behind me. The line outside was already long, and it's not even the weekend.

“ Hi sir. New pet tonight?” The bouncer Nick asked and I nodded my head. If I had said no, drew wouldn't have been allowed in there without an escort. He handed drew a black arm band, which will indicate that he's here with a DOM.

“ Have fun now.” I smiled at Nick and pulled Drew along with me, while the others in the line started to complain about how I was able to get in so quickly. If only they knew.

“ Do you need time to look around for this West person, or do you want a drink first?” I asked and he nodded his head.

“ A d-drink sounds good, thanks. Damn, I'm just so nervous. I'm not even sure if he'll be here tonight or if he would even like me.” What's not to like about Drew? He's everything a person would want and more.

I gestured for him to follow me, and we walked up to the bar. I wasn't paying attention to who was serving as I continued to look around.

“ Hey look, Zy, it's your boyfriend.” I furrowed my brows and turned to Drew, who had a grin on his face. My eyes became wide when I noticed that the bartender was none other than Jet. What the Fuck is he doing here?

“ Fuck me sideways and under.” I mumbled to myself, but it seems as if Jet heard me because his glare turned deadly.

“ And what do we have here?” I turned around and saw a man staring at drew with lust in his eyes. I wasn't certain if I liked it or not, but given the fact that drew actually seemed like he was about to faint made me realize that this man was west.

“ Um I'm…" I decided to play around a little, so Drew didn't get to finish his introduction.

“ He's taken.” A sound was heard after I said that, which sounded more like a growl. I was looking around for the source when my eyes landed on Jet, who was still glaring at me. Drew elbowed me and gave me a 'what the fuck look' before nervously laughing.

“West do you mind taking over for a few minutes?” Jet asked and west nodded his head before he reluctantly headed behind the counter. I was about to say something when I felt myself being pulled away by a furious jet.

We got to one of the private rooms, and he pushes me inside before closing the door. If looks could kill, I'd be worm food by now.

“ What the fuck are you doing here!?” I raised my eyebrow at him at the way he had just spoken to me. If only he knew, he was in for a surprise. I took out my blue arm band and showed it to him. The Doms in this club get to wear blue, while the subs wear black. It's a stupid rule, I know, but it's the only way to tell who's who.

“ Ha, for a minute there I actually thought that you were serious.” This boy was crazy if he thought that I was joking.

“ I'm dead serious, Jet. I'm a Dom and you just made me an angry one.” I said in a calm tone, which caused the atmosphere to change. The tension in the room was too thick, as Jet stood there staring at the band in disbelief.

“ Now tell me, why are you here on a school night?” His eyes snapped to mine as they became wide for a moment before going back to normal.

“ I work here. When I'm not at home training, my alp…boss makes me work at nights here so that I can make a few bucks. I'm old enough to be here, so there's no need to worry.” Yeah, right. He's only eighteen, not twenty-one. He shouldn't be at a bar serving alcohol. Then again, I'm a hypocrite because of the things we already did to each other.

“ I know you said we could switch, but damn, I've never pictured you as a Dom before. I mean, I'm not against it, just surprised.” I chuckled and sat down on the bed, gesturing for him to do so as well.

“ How about I make you an offer. You'll stop working here and let me take care of you.” His eyes started to make that weird changing thing which was still strange to me even though he explained why they did that before.

“ I'm not looking for a sugar daddy. I've been working here for a few months now and haven't been in any form of trouble. I have to work to make money, not everyone comes from a rich family like you.” That was a stupid thing to say, but I won't argue with him on it. I'll wear him down eventually.

“ Remember I wanted to talk to you about something important?” I asked and he nodded his head.

“ It's more like telling you that I was Dom but you figured it out all on your own.” I patted his head, and he pushed my hand away out of frustration, making me laugh at the look on his face.

“ Ok enough with the fooling around and start talking now.” Ok, if that's what he wants.

“ I want you to be my Sub.” The room went quiet for a few seconds, but then he started to laugh out of nowhere. Did he think that I was joking?

I was about to ask him what was so funny, when he stood up and reached in his pocket for something. Stretching his hand out, I noticed that it was a blue arm band just like mine. My eyes became wide when I realized what this meant. Dammit, we were both Doms.

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