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When two days passed without the couple addressing the whole topic of going to Seoul to work as a choreographer and dancer and to be closer to Jimin again, I was close to allowing myself to be lulled in a false sense of security, hoping they had just forgotten about the whole thing. Still, it didn't come as a surprise when the topic came up after those two peaceful days on a cloudy Wednesday. What did surprise me though, was the fact that Mrs. Lee was the one to bring it up.

"Oh, Eunha, darling?" she sweetly called as though just remembering, touching my shoulder lightly to hold me back in the manager's office, where she had just given me my pay. "Do you mind staying here for a few minutes? I have something to talk to you about."

Confused, I glanced questioningly at Areum, whose eyes were flitting everywhere but in my general direction, movements hurried as she left the office without any explanation, shoulders pulled up to her ears, and expression contorted with a slight grimace as though she was feeling guilty. For what, I didn't know, but I hoped it wouldn't be that bad. I had to force myself to look away from the door that had just closed behind Areum, blinking to make my attention return to the current matters.

"Of course, I can stay, I don't mind," I finally responded after a long pause, sinking back onto my chair in front of the elderly lady. The student I was supposed to have today had canceled his lessons altogether a couple of days ago anyway, mentioning that he was moving to another part of Korea because of his job. "Is there something wrong?"

"Oh, no, sweetheart," Mrs. Lee smiled warmly. "Nothing to worry about. I just wanted to talk to you about something Areum mentioned."

"Oh," I made, quick to realize why Areum had looked that guilty earlier. Of course, she would talk to Mrs. Lee about my opportunity to leave this village and go to Seoul, probably even hoping for my sweet neighbor that I couldn't deny anything to try to persuade me. Surprisingly, I was less offended and angry about Areum's insistence to interfere with my problems than I'd have expected. Perhaps it really wouldn't bring any harm to get another person's opinion. Mrs. Lee was one of the people closest to my heart, after all, and I would have to leave her behind as well, should I decide to actually take on Mr. Bang's offer and move to Seoul.

"I'm sure you already have a hunch on what this is about," the elderly lady began and had the decency to send me a sheepish look. "Areum told me about the offer you got. A job as a dancer and choreographer that would require you to move to Seoul."

"Yes," I breathed, heart fluttering nervously. It wasn't like I totally depended on the sweet woman in front of me, but I valued her opinion a lot, especially because of how caring she had always been and how much she had supported me throughout my mother's devastating, painful health journey. Each time I had broken down (and there had been many times) whenever the doctors had informed me of my mother's health declining once again, Mrs. Lee and her wonderful husband had always been there to catch me, pick up the scraps of my broken heart and piece them together with so much care and love that I could bear the world's weight on my shoulders for another few days.

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