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Getting out of bed the next day was surprisingly pleasant. So pleasant, in fact, that only today's date my phone was showing to me actually made me realize that I had visited my mother yesterday and that under normal circumstances, I would be a total wreck this morning. But surprisingly, anxiety wasn't filling me as usual, and an unknown warmth flowed through me instead, keeping me comfortable and joyous as I energetically hopped out of bed after acknowledging the strange fact that I had slept in yesterday's streetwear instead of my pajamas. And only when I stepped out of my room to get to the bathroom, my eyes falling onto the couch, I remembered what had occurred the day before, with Jimin's hair dye session turning into something healing and soothing for me and us spending the evening together.

A soft blush made its way on my cheeks when I realized that I couldn't remember walking to my room to fall asleep, concluding that Jimin must have carried me to bed, respectfully keeping me in my streetwear. He had been such an angel yesterday, and I really didn't know how I could ever compensate for that. Just the way he had been there for me without asking personal questions had been so gentle and wholesome that it warmed my heart just by thinking of it and rendered me unable to get all my squishy feelings for him under control.

Accordingly giddy I was when I eventually threw open the door to step out of the house before Mrs. Lee even had a chance to blare the car horn to alert me. The sun greeted me with shy rays, its warmth only weakly caressing my skin– still, its sight was a rarity in autumn, especially since it had been all rainy and cloudy the past weeks, making the light feel even more welcoming and gentle. I skipped through the front yard and over to the car that Mrs. Lee was currently about to get in, the sound of my footsteps making her turn around, a pleasingly surprised smile making its way onto her lips.

"Good morning, Mrs. Lee!" I cheerfully greeted, the warmth and hope Jimin had created in me unwilling to be overpowered by depressed feelings.

"Good morning to you too, sweetheart," she replied, her smile crinkling the skin around her lively eyes.

In an inviting gesture, my lovely neighbor pat the passenger's seat, making sure that I was buckled up properly before starting the engine. While we drove to the café, we stayed in comfortable silence until she suddenly piped up.

"I'm sorry, dear," she mumbled, her expression apologetic as she shot me a glance before concentrating on the street again. "Usually, I would have invited you to come over to me and Kihyun after you arrived back from the hospital, but Beety, that crackhead, decided to eat some of the freshly cooked chili soup yesterday while we weren't paying attention and we had to see the veterinarian to make sure it wouldn't cause any damage to him." 

She sighed, turning her head to watch me. "Are you alright? I hope you weren't lonely after coming back."

"Oh, I'm fine, don't worry," I quickly reassured her with a smile, grateful for her caring nature. "I wasn't alone. Jimin was with me." 

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