𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇

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A gasp tore from my lips as I stared at him in bewilderment, not knowing how to feel. On the one hand, I was definitely relieved to see him and that he seemed fine and healthy, but on the other hand, I couldn't help but feel betrayed.

Thousands of questions flashed through my mind. What was Jimin doing there? Why had he left without a goodbye? And – the heck? – he was famous? And he thought he could just turn his back to me and return to his old life as if nothing had ever happened between us, as though I didn't even exist?

I was so caught up in my chaotic feelings and thoughts, hands angrily clenching a pillow and eyes staying trained on a certain softly purple-haired man, who I immediately spotted despite the camera angle now changing to the full view of the K-pop group even I had heard of and that Jimin apparently was a member of, that I didn't even notice the loud footsteps of Areum and Soobin as they entered the living room. Only Areum's playfully flirty "Hey, sugarplum, what are you watch–" that suddenly cut off in a startled manner ripped me out of my thoughts, and my eyes left Jimin as my head turned around to them, shock clearly still evident in my expression.

To my surprise, though, despite looking startled, the couple didn't look too surprised and astonished to see the purple-haired man that had vanished without a trace suddenly appear on national television as part of a famous boy group. Rather, they seemed to be waiting for my reaction somewhat apprehensively, sending each other a helpless glance before looking back at me with an almost guilty expression.

"There's... Jimin. On TV," I managed to force out of my with feelings constricted throat, feeling slightly nauseous to see him, old wounds that had almost closed reopening, making the pain resurface to viciously take me into its grip, tears starting to haze my sight.

"Oh, you see..." Areum began hesitantly, but no other words followed, and she lowered her head, appearing oddly ashamed. And as she sent her husband another glance, my tired, hurting mind finally managed to connect the dots.

"You knew it, didn't you?" I asked, voice lifeless. The couple lowered their heads, confirming my suspicion, and I grew even more upset, feeling betrayed by my own friends. "Why? Why didn't you tell me then?"

"I'm so sorry, Eunha," Areum mumbled regretfully, looking at me with tear-filled eyes. "We just wanted to protect you. And I swear I've only known about this since yesterday."

Staying silent, I let my eyes wander to her husband, wanting to hear his side of the story as well.

Soobin sighed, showing obvious guilt as he failed to look me into the eyes, lowering his head to stare at the ground instead. "I actually recognized him already the second I walked into the café and saw him sitting there a week ago. But I promised that I would keep his identity a secret."

BLACK SWAN||PJM||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora