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Fortunately, when I woke up the next morning, my throat luckily wasn't hoarse anymore. With sleep-swollen eyes, I groggily blinked a few seconds while sitting up in my bed and turned off the alarm, my exhausted mind not being able to form only one clear thought as the tiredness was paralyzing my thinking process.

Eventually, after taking some minutes to fight the sleep that was oh so tempting, I managed to move my tired limbs, walking into the bathroom to wash up. Without having a hard time choosing, I just picked a plain black outfit to wear since working in the café required all black clothing for the staff. Personally, I loved wearing black, but when I wasn't working at the café, I mostly wore pastel-colored, blue, or white clothes as compensation for my dark work attire I had to wear nearly every day. With experienced movements, I quickly put on light makeup and did my hair.

Before putting on my shoes, I took a look into my bag to see if I had everything I needed. As usual, in addition to keys and my phone, there were also a water bottle and practice clothes inside. Even though I had previously received a message from a dance student, who apologized for not being able to make it to today's practice, so I was actually free, I still often went to the dance studio on my own to live out my passion after working in the café. 

Said little café belonged to my neighbor Mrs. Lee and was located in the center of our small town, loved by the residents for its calming and warming atmosphere. Since Mrs. Lee, who cared for me like for a daughter, lived in the house next to me, she picked me up every morning with her car to drive to the café.

As usual, the car horn signaled me that she was ready to drive off. Quickly, I put my shoes on and took my jacket, this time certainly not forgetting to take the umbrella with me. after closing the door of the small, cozy house and making sure that it was locked, I hopped down the few stairs made of stone that lead to the door. With a smile towards the car of my lovely neighbor, I made my way through the little garden in front of the house that was very wild and overgrown due to me not finding the time to take care of the plants.

As I opened the red car door, she was already beaming at me with a blending smile, the many wrinkles in the skin around her eyes crinkling as her orbs turned into crescents.

"Eunha, darling, how are you?" the elderly woman asked with a welcoming voice that transmitted the feeling of home.

"I'm fine, ahjumeoni! I hope you are too!" I answered just as cheerful as her greeting had been, my mood instantly having brightened up as soon as I saw her.

"I'm feeling great!" she answered, the smile stretching her lips widening, her merry expression showing off the beautiful laughter lines that were adorning her face.

My wish was that one day, I would have as many laughter lines as she had because it was so beautiful to see someone who lived their life to the fullest in happiness. But for right now, considering all the struggles I was going through currently, it looked more like I would have lines of worry engraved in my whole face when I would get older.

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