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"Well done, everyone!" Son Sungdeuk shouted with a content expression, giving an approving nod in their direction. "Five minutes break!"

The exhausted members let themselves fall on the ground with tired limbs, chests heaving with every labored breath they took, sweat glistening on their reddened skin under the tube lights of the practice room. Yoongi immediately closed his eyes to gain his energy back by sleeping while the other members took desperate sips of water out of the bottles clenched in their trembling fists or got towels to dry their skin from the sticky sweat.

Sitting on the ground, Jimin parted the legs and started to stretch his muscles in utter concentration, grasping onto the little strength he had left in his body. Without a doubt, he was still out of breath, chest rising and falling heavily, but he didn't allow himself to relax before he hadn't stretched his complete body. The intense choreography they were practicing had undeniably taken a toll on him; even if he was one of the members with the best dancing ability and stamina, he felt his eyelids drooping, his mind clouding with haziness.

But a thought came into his mind, clearing the tranquilizing mist exhaustion had put over his thoughts, as sudden as lightning brightening the dark night.

He had to bear the tiredness. He wouldn't allow himself to give up already. There were still a few hours of dance practice left, so he had to fight the exhaustion for the other members' sake, knowing that if his dance weren't perfect, people would criticize him for being lazy and drag him down, which would have consequences for the whole group.

With a concerning amount of struggle required, he forced his eyelids to open and stood up with difficulty, swaying a bit due to the exhaustion clinging onto his limbs.

"Whoa! Are you okay, hyung?"

Without missing a beat, Jungkook ran towards Jimin and stabilized him, holding out a water bottle to his friend.

"Please drink it, hyung. I'm afraid that you'll dehydrate," the younger urged, nothing but care to be read in his large and expressive doe eyes.

"Ah, thank you, Kookie," Jimin gasped, taking the bottle and downing the water hastily, not caring that some spilled, trying to escape his mouth as it trickled down his plump lips, over his sharp jawline, over the neck, drenching the hem of his shirt.

The coolness of the water was just what he needed right now, refreshing him and providing him with new energy. His eyes softened, thankfulness filling him as he once again noticed that the youngest one was looking out and caring for him.

With a worried and stern look in his dark eyes, Namjoon had watched Jimin's state and now approached him, determined to do something again Jimin's self-destructive behavior that often showed itself during dance practice.

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