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While strolling through the streets, dragging his noisy suitcase to roll over the pavement behind him, his eyes that had strayed to study the surroundings suddenly came upon an orange poster hanging on a wall. It seemed yellowed as if it had been there for a long time, exposed to sun and rain, but he was still able to read what it proclaimed in printed black letters:

If you want to rent a 70 square meters apartment (fully furnished; one bedroom plus kitchen and bathroom) situated in a quiet neighborhood, please contact Moon Eunha.

After staring at the poster for a while, deep in thought, Jimin shrugged in acceptance. Even though the floor to rent didn't seem very promising (being that small and all), it would be better than nothing, considering that the village didn't seem to have any other possibility for him to find shelter like a hotel or motel. Without a doubt, he had enough money to rent the apartment (and probably the house– additional to the whole street it was located in), and it offered a heavily required opportunity to stay somewhere hidden from his members and the company. For sure, no one of the villagers would be able to recognize him, his safety guaranteed by the lack of young people living there who could be interested in K-pop.

After making up his mind, he swiftly pulled his phone out of the pocket and punched in the number written on the poster.



Even as I arrived at the dance studio, my head still hurt from the impact with the wall the jerk had shoved me against. But I was painfully aware that even though the throbbing pain was making it hard for me to concentrate, I wouldn't be able to cancel the dance lesson, just because of the mere fact that I needed the money to pay the hospital bills. Luckily the student that I would teach today wasn't Miyeon, who would undoubtedly make my mood even worse with her unbearable rude demeanor. Instead, it was a nice and polite young man who (as far as I knew) had a loving girlfriend who I had heard him fondly gushing about numerous times. Unfortunately, it always seemed as if all the polite, kind men in the world were already taken, only the rude ones remaining.

Just like the jerk a few hours earlier that had basically attacked me for spilling a bit of coffee on his designer shirt. Admittedly, it had actually been at least half of the mug that had landed on his shirt (and probably burnt his skin a little bit– even though he had seemed too proud to admit that), but it had been ugly anyways!

Huffing, I aggressively threw the door of the dance studio open and went to the bathroom, changing my streetwear into my practice clothes to guarantee myself some comfort while dancing. Nothing was actually worse than dancing in outfits that were too tight or rubbed uncomfortably because it influenced your dance moves and overall lowered the quality of your dancing.

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