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The following morning was... Well, eventful, to say the least. Thankfully, not in an unpleasant way. It was actually quite the opposite.

As soon as Areum had entered the café with the jingle of the bell and adorably flushed cheeks (because of the cold and– you guessed it– her lovely husband kissing her goodbye), she had immediately lunged towards me, not paying attention to my slightly frightened laugh and Mrs. Lee's exclamation of "Sweetheart, please be careful! The mugs are right next to you!" and engulfed me in an excited hug that I pretended to want to escape even though I actually loved being the target of her affection.

"Your morning was great, I suppose?" I chuckled, trying not to suffocate in her bone-crushing hug.

"YES!" she exclaimed and jumped around with me in her arms, not taking note of my slight wince. Don't get me wrong, I always found her happiness endearing, but the intensity of her energy today was slightly overwhelming. 

"I, oh my– You'll be so excited to hear this!" she squealed with sparkling eyes, unable to keep her excitement for herself.

"What? What is it?" I asked with great curiosity.

She got hold of my shoulders and started speaking, shaking me with every word. "I. AM. PREGNANT!!!"

For a few seconds, the room was filled with silence as Mrs. Lee and I had to process her unexpected but grandiose declaration.

"YOU'RE WHAT?" we both then exclaimed in wonder, and the raven-haired girl giggled joyfully in reply.

"I'm pregnant!" she repeated, calmer now, her eyes filling with happy tears.

"Oh, sweetheart, that's wonderful to hear!" Mrs. Lee called out and pulled the joyous girl in her arms, and I wasted no time to join in in the tight and loving hug, congratulating my friend, truly amazed by the news.

"How many weeks are you in?" I asked in curiosity, unable to wipe the large smile off my face.

"Three, apparently," Areum replied, her lips showing the same bright smile, eyes full of wonder as though she still couldn't believe it. "I wasn't getting my period, so I took a pregnancy test. Honestly, even before it came out positive, I already had a feeling that something was different, something wonderful was happening!"

"Three?" the elderly woman frowned worriedly. "Are you already experiencing morning sickness? You shouldn't come here to work if you do!"

"It's alright, Mrs. Lee," Areum reassured. "I haven't gotten it yet, and for my mother, it was actually very weak and didn't last for that long. She only felt slightly nauseous and never had to throw up, and I hope I inherited that."

The elderly lady sighed in relief. "Hopefully!" Then she threw a glance at the clock. "Oh dear, we only have five minutes left! Chop-chop, go to work before the first customers arrive! Just don't overwork yourself, honey!" she added with a caring smile towards Areum, to which the raven-haired girl just replied with a cheerful "Of course!"

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