54- Alternate Ending

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Nova woke up in the hospital and groaned as she felt her chest.

"Nova?! Oh my God you're alive!" Jimmy exclaimed as he leaned in her view.

Her eyes instantly went wide as she went pale.

"What the fuck?! Where am I?"

"What's wrong? You look like you seen a ghost. You're okay, you're in the hospital." He couldn't help but smirk.

"No, no that can't be right. You're...you're, you passed away years ago."

He threw his hands out as he did a twirl, "Nope, I'm very much alive my dear. I mean I almost died years ago but I had an emergency heart transplant and I'm fine. Can't get rid of me that easily."

"No that, that can't be right." She shook her head then groaned putting her palms to her forehead, "I'm in heaven, this is my heaven, has to be."

"Nova, sweetheart, what's the last thing you remember?" He asked as he removed her hands from her head then helped her sit up when she tried.

"Zack and me divorcing, me arguing with him. Then I ended up at my mom's grave with a gun. And Matt wrestling to get it away from me. Then hearing a loud bang, and then I'm waking up here." Her eyes went wide as tears stung her eyes, "Oh my God?! Please tell me Matt's okay? He's okay right? I didn't accidentally shoot him?!"

He looked at her confused, "What? No, babe." He kissed the back of her hand, "Matt is fine. None of that happened. You've been in a coma for a while. There was a tragedy that happened and you lost a lot of blood. They had to give you a blood transfusion. But the trauma caused you to go into a coma."

"But shouldn't I be, wearing one of those ventilator things?"

"You were until last night. The monitors." He points to the machines, "Was showing improvement of your body. So they decided to take it out and since you were breathing on your own, they left it out. It's a miracle! My girl was brought back to me." He grinned.

"You're girl? I'm not your girl, I'm no one's girl, not anymore." She lightly shook her head.

"Babe, that's not true." He scrunched his eyebrows together. "You are my girl. Don't you remember? You and Zack broke up because he cheated on you, yet again. And you got fed up. You two broke things off because he got Meghan pregnant. And then we made it official about a month or so after your guys divorce was finalized."

As if on cue Zack walked in with Laura.

"Tell her Zack, tell her that you two ended years ago. And then me and her is together now."

"You're awake! I'm so happy to see you finally back with us!" Laura exclaimed, ignoring what Jimmy said as she rushed over and hugged Nova.

"It's true Nova." Zack stuck his hands in his front pockets, "We tried the marriage thing and it just didn't work for us. And a lot of it was on me, don't get me wrong. None of it was your fault. Well Jimmy was there to comfort you and I'm happy it was him and not some random asshole. That's how you two ended up together."

"Oh...I'm sorry Jimmy." She frowned.

"Don't be babe." He grins and kisses her, "Uhm and there's something else." He then looks at Laura, "Where's little man?"

"Ah, he's right here." She walks over then pushed a stroller with a sleeping toddler that was a spitting image of Jimmy closer to them.

"Awe you have a baby? Man, he looks just like you Jimmy." Nova smiles.

"Correction, we have a baby." Jimmy motioned between himself and her, "His name is Joseph James. But we've been calling him JJ. Remember, we chose his name together? After my dad and me." He rubs his thumb gently on the baby's cheek, he then looks at her, and she had tears in her eyes so he quickly goes to her, "Awe baby, don't cry what's wrong." He pulls her gently into a hug.

"I'm sorry." She sniffled into his chest, "I'm so horrible, I don't remember any of this. I should at least remember I'm a mother and I don't."

"Hey shh, it's okay." Jimmy rubs the back of her head as he comforts her, "It's understandable babe."

"Wait, you said I lost a lot of blood, was the birth the reason why?"

"Yeah." Jimmy sighs, "But you're better, we didn't lose you and that's what matters."

All of a sudden the baby woke up.

"Oh my gosh, he even has your eye color. You sure I even had a hand in creating him?" Nova couldn't help but giggle.

"Well I mean, it was more than a hand you used." Jimmy smirked with a wink.

"Oh my God James!" Nova laughed as she smacked his shoulder.

"I so did not need to hear that." Laura scrunched up her face with a laugh.

"Hey I couldn't resist." Jimmy laughed.

"Anyways, I want to hold him." Nova held her hand out to JJ.

"Of course." Jimmy then got JJ out of the stroller, "Look JJ, mommy's finally awake." He sat the baby in her lap.

"Mama." He smiles.

"My baby." She smiled and kissed the side of his head. "So in my subconscious state, I dreamt you all had kids of your own? Is that true?" Nova asked pointing at Laura.

"Yup." Laura nodded, "Every one of us has kids now."

"That's awesome!"

Nova had to stay in the hospital for another day before she was released. Then a few months later, her and Jimmy got married. They eventually had a baby girl that they named after her mom, Bethany Ann.


Thanks to everyone who has read my story.
Hope everyone liked this ending better than the other one 😉

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