28- Wrong

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When they got there Nova went out to the backyard where some of their friends were.

"Nova!" Brian called out, "I don't think you've ever met my father." He led her over to a table which her eyes went wide with a grin.

"This is my father, Brian Sr, but everyone calls him Papa Gates. Dad this is Nova, Zack's girlfriend."

"Holy shit." She exclaimed.

"I know I'm bad looking but didn't think it was that bad." Papa Gates joked as he stood up. "Pleasure to meet you Nova."

"I'm sorry." She blushed, "It's just, it's nice to meet you too. You're guitar guy as Achmed calls you."

Papa Gates chuckled with a nod, "I am, I take it you're a fan of Jeff and his characters."

"Yes!" She giggled, "He's amazing, and you're amazing with the guitar too."

"Now you see where I got my talent from." Brian smirked, "My dad taught me everything I know about guitars."

"Oh stop." Papa Gates chuckled. "But anyways, I've got to go. I'll see you kids later. Have fun but not too much fun." He winked then left.

"Man, I've known you for years but I don't know how I haven't met your dad until night."

"Yeah I don't know, but it's also because you weren't..." He stopped himself.

"It's okay, you can say it. I wasn't allowed to do much when we were teens." She shrugged then patted his shoulder, "It doesn't bug me like it used too, I promise." She gave him a reassuring smile.

"Okay." He smiles back.


"Mm these brownies are so good." Nova grinned as she was eating them.

"Uhm babe! Those aren't regular brownies." Zack smirked.

"What is in these? They're good." She grinned and shoved the last bite in her mouth.

Jimmy began laughing, "Nova, those have mushrooms in them."

She scrunched up her nose, washing it down with her beer, "Who the fuck puts mushrooms in fucking brownies. Mushrooms go on pizza or noodles but not brownies." She thought he meant regular ones.

This caused them to laugh more.

"Sweetie." Jimmy puts his hands on her shoulders, "Those aren't regular mushrooms, it's the hallucinating drug, you know shrooms."

Her eyes went wide, "Are you shitting me?! And you guys let me eat them!" She shoved him back. "I've ate two of them already." She held up two fingers.

"Hey you were enjoying them sorry!" Zack laughed.

"Assholes!" She laughed and playfully smacked Zack's shoulder.

A little while later she was feeling really good. Smirking she went up behind someone who she thought was Zack.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, "I love you so much baby!" Before he could say anything she turned his face and laid a big kiss on his lips.

"I uh, I'd love to say I love you too but I don't know you that well." The guy smirked.

Her eyes got so wide as she shoved him away, "Who the fuck are you?!" She wiped her mouth, "I'm so sorry!"

"Frank Iero." He smiled, "It's all good but I think someone else isn't too happy." He motioned behind her at Zack.

She turned around to see Zack glaring at her.

"Baby." She sighs.

"What the fuck was that shit huh?!"

"I wasn't paying attention and I thought it was you."

"Right, because we look so much alike huh?" He fumed. "That's fucking bullshit Nova!"

"Hey man, calm down. She didn't mean to, my back was turned."

"No I won't calm the fuck down when my girlfriend is kissing on another guy!" His fists balled.

"Zack please!" She begged as tears formed in her eyes, "All I seen was the hair, you both have black hair, both skinny and obviously you both are wearing jackets. I didn't see his face okay? Not until after it happened and I instantly felt regret."

"Right." He scoffed, "But see, our hairstyle is different! And his jacket is leather, mine's not!" He stepped closer to her, "So how the fuck can you not tell the difference!"

"Because I don't have a sober mind that's why!"

"Of course blame it on the alcohol. No matter what you should have been able to tell the difference. I mean hell no one has a sober mind tonight, but you don't see me grabbing a random girl and kissing them. And what's worse is the fact it's one of my damn friends you did it to. Fuck!" He groaned running his hands through his hair.

"Come on man, she didn't mean it. And I promise I didn't even kiss back." Frank tried calming the situation.

"Good to know, but this between me and her." He spat out at him.

"I'm sorry okay?! I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up!" She started to rush past him but he grabbed her arm.

"Don't walk away."

"Fuck you!" Her instincts kicked in from feeling his hand on her and she punched him right in the eye.

"Oh! Fucking bitch!" He groaned as his hand went to his eye. But when he had left go of her, she fell.

"Hey Woah Zachary!" Matt roared, "That's enough!" He thought he had pushed her, "You're not gonna push her around like that fucker!"

"He didn't push me I fell." Nova sniffled as Jimmy helped her off the ground.

"Bullshit." Matt scoffed as he stepped closer to Zack so Nova quickly stood in front of him and put her hands on his chest.

"Matthew! He didn't push me! He let go of my arm when I punched and I fell, I promise."

He grabbed her wrists, "He better not have."

"Nice to know how you guys really think! That I would actually do something like that!" Zack groaned and walked out of the backyard.

Nova sighed, "Sorry for fucking up your guys fun, yet again."

"Hey, shit happens, that was a nice hook though." Jimmy acted like he punched the air with a small laugh.

"Leave it to you, to try to lighten the mood." She smiled lightly at him then looks at Frank, "I'm sorry Frank."

"It's okay, all is forgiven. Like Jim says, shit happens, especially when everyone has been drinking."

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