9- Confessions

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One day at school Zacky happened to noticed bruises on one of Nova's hips when her shirt raised up some. Not knowing the reasoning he thought she was cheating on him willingly so he ignored her because he was upset and mad.

She tried to go up to him but he started to walk away "Zachary!" She had grabbed his arm.

"What?!" He turned around to her.

"What's your problem today? Every time I would try to talk to you, you've ignored me. Why?"

"Because I thought we were together but yet according to those bruises on your hips it looks like you're cheating on me."

"But I'm not."

"Really? Because those look like fingerprint bruises." He motions to the bruises on her hip bones, "So what, you've become a whore? Sleeping around behind my back?"

She instantly smacked his face then quickly regretted it, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." She said as tears formed in her eyes.

"Wow, just wow. Well fuck you Nova! I'm done, I don't need someone like you in my life." He started to walk away but she grabbed his arm.

"Please don't go! Let me explain!"

"Why should I?! Huh? Give me one good reason."

She pulled him away from the other kids before she spoke lowly, "Because I'm not doing it on my own accord. I'm being forced."

"Right." He scoffed rolling his eyes.

"I'm telling the truth. Look, we have to keep this between us." She looks around, seeing no one around, shows him the other bruises on her stomach and back, "My dad hurts me when he gets drunk." She then shows off the bruises on her arms, "Why do you think I've started wearing long sleeves more. And these bruises are from him making me sleep with these random guys for money. So when I tell you I have to work, that's what I'm having to do. It's not a job I want to be doing Zack I promise." She sniffled.

As she was showing off the bruises his eyes went wide then he pulled her into a hug, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you a whore."

She cried into his chest, "But I basically am one. That's what whores do, is sleep with so many guys."

He then pulled her away, "Isn't there like someone we could tell? Like the police, they can help."

She quickly shook her head, "No! No one can know! I shouldn't even have told you, fuck he's going to kill me for telling someone. You can't tell anyone!"

"But this isn't right Nova! We have to tell someone. They can help get you out of this."

"We can't because it'll make it worse please." She begged, "And that's the last of this conversation. I'll be 18 soon and I'll get away, I've been saving up to leave."

"Oh my God! Fine! Be that way but one of these days it's going to go too far." He groaned and they walked home. He decided to change the subject, "MPA isn't a band anymore. We decided to move on since we weren't successful."

"Awe really? You guys were very good."

"Yeah but nothing lasts forever, it was just a high school thing. And the only time we got to play was at parties, couldn't seem to get booked actual shows."

"You're not going to give up on the guitarist thing are you?"

"Hell no." He chuckled, "Never going to give up. I'm going to prove to people who is doubting me that I can go far with my skills."

"Good! Because then you can come back with a Vengeance." She giggled. "And I want to be right there with you when you do."

"I hope you are too." He pecks her lips. "We will find a way to get you out of your father's grip one way or another."

"Right." She says doubtful, "There's no way as long as I'm under 18. But I've got to go, I'll uh see you later." She kisses his cheek then went into her house.

Zacky sighs and goes into his house, he so bad wanted to call the authorities but was afraid of what would happen to Nova if he did.

He then sat on his bed with his notebook and started writing. As he got what he thought of written down he grabbed his guitar and lightly started playing as he sung.

"And we have gone through good times and bad times but your unconditional love was always on my mind. You've been there from the start for me. And your loves always been true as can be. I give my heart to you. I give my heart to you cause nothing can compare in this world to you."

As soon as he finished that part his sister Zina had walked by and heard him.

"Woah, that was deep and very good. Whose it by?" She leaned against the doorway.

"I uh wrote it." He showed her the notebook, "That's all I have so far though."

"You wrote that?" She asked surprised as she stepped closer to him, "No way! That's amazing little bro."

"Thanks." He shrugs one shoulder.

"So who is it for? Wait let me guess, Nova?" She asks and he nods, "Awe that's so sweet."

"Hey, if you found out something bad was going on and yet you promised not to tell anyone or get involved would you go against their wishes and get someone involved? Despite if it could possibly make things worse for them?"

She raised her eyebrows, "Depends on what it is. I mean if it's a life or death situation then yeah I would. But at the same time if telling an outside person means that other person could get hurt then I would be afraid to speak up. For my well being and theirs. But at the same time if getting someone involved could save their lives I would in a heart beat. Why what's going on Zachary? Who has something bad happening to them?"

"Nothing, nevermind, forget I said anything." He shook his head. "I promised I wouldn't tell anyone else and I don't want them to hate me if they knew I told someone."

"Does it involve Nova? Is her dad hurting her?"

He stared at her for a moment then slowly shook his head, "I can't talk about it, forget I said anything."

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