50- To End This

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After a couple weeks later Zack came home with a heavy sigh. He was tired of all the secrets and knew he needed to step up and spill everything. Especially after a serious talk with his father.

"Look, I get it, you love both girls. You can't help it. No matter how much we fight it, we can't help who we fall for. But if that's the case. It's not fair to string both them girls along like you have. You need to step up and confess everything to Nova. You two have been together for so long, and you seeing this other girl behind her back is disrespectful to her. I thought we raised you better than that."

"I know, and I do feel bad for what I've done. I never meant for this to happen. It just did."

"Do you even still love Nova? Did she do something to make you fall out of love with her?"

"No! Of course she didn't. She's been nothing but wonderful. And of course I still love her. That will never stop. But Meghan and me, it just sorta happened. We spent a lot of time together through V.U and I tried to fight it off, I did and I guess I didn't fight hard enough because I still gained feelings for her. Fuck, I'm such a jackass."

"Well if you love Nova the way you say you do, then you need to stop what's going on. You have to cut one loose. I can't tell you who, that's your decision to make, not mine. And you need to do it soon son. Like I've said, it's not fair to neither one of those two girls."

"Babe? Zack? What's wrong?"

He shook his head and pulled her into a hug, not being able to say anything.

"Baby? What's wrong? You're scaring me." She sighed.

He sighed and led her to the couch, once they sat down he grabbed her hands.

"I uhm, I need to get this out. Meghan, she's uhm." He cleared his throat, "She's pregnant."

"She's what?!" She choked out then regained her composure, "Okay, so why are you telling me this? That's business between her and her boyfriend." She shrugged, but she knew why he was telling her, it was his.

He shook his head, "No, that's not it. The... it's mine. She's pregnant by me."

She Jerked her hands out of his, "Wow, okay. Well I mean, I guess we can get past this. Do the whole co-parent thing with her. I mean if the baby is truly yours, we can work something out, do the whole share visitation thing." She waved her hand in the air.

He grumbled, "What the hell do you mean, if the baby is mine? Of course it is."

"Right, I mean if she's that much of a whore to sleep with a married man, whose to say she didn't sleep with other guys too?" She said with a shrug as she stood up.

"Are you kidding me? She's not a whore Nova." He stood up with her, "Look I'm sorry okay? I never meant for this to happen but it did."

"Right, you never meant for it to happen. You never do Zachary. You begged for my forgiveness after I seen you two kiss but yet this whole time you were sleeping with her! You betrayed me Zack! What did I do wrong for you to do this to me huh? What does she have that I don't?! I fucking keep this house spotless, I fucking cook for you! I do everything you ask from me with no questions asked! And it can't be that I don't give you enough sex because I do, everytime, hell I'll even be the one who starts it first just to keep us both satisfied mainly you! Do you even love her?" She blinked back tears, she didn't want to cry in front of him, not this time.

He sighs with a nod, "I do and I'm sorry. But I have fallen for her, I tried not to I promise I did."

"Yeah I don't believe that you even tried. Because if you actually tried, we wouldn't be in this situation right now. If you actually tried, you would have pushed her away and not hung out with her at all. But of course you was only thinking of yourself and your dick! Just threw out everything we've been through all these years! Just pushed the love you supposedly had for me out, but apparently you saying you love me is all lies." The tears had finally started falling, no matter how hard she tried to fight them back.

"That's not true, I do love you Nova! I'll always love you!"

"Bullshit! Stop fucking lying! Because if you truly loved me, you wouldn't have been with her!" She yelled through her tears he tried speaking but she continued, "If you truly loved me!? I would have been enough for you but I'm not! Hell I wasn't enough for God to keep my mother in my life! I wasn't even enough to be loved by my father the way a father should have loved their daughter!" She wiped her tears of her face as she sniffled, "I couldn't even give you a child so you're throwing me to the side, throwing what we had away because she can give it to you. She's giving you something you've always wanted these past few years, a baby."

"I'm sorry okay?! I never intended to hurt you. That was the last thing I wanted but it happened and we can't go back. We can only move forward from here. I do still want you around. Despite my feelings for her, you'll always hold a special place in my heart, that will never change Nova." He tried grabbing her to hug her but she pushed him away.

"No don't! Keep your fucking hands off me!" She punched him in the face

"Ow son of a bitch!" He grabbed where she punched, "I deserved that."

"Of fucking course you did you fucking asshole!" She then took her ring off and threw it at him, "Here, maybe your whore will love it as much as I did!"

With that she rushed upstairs and started packing her things in a suitcase.

"Where are you going?" He asked once he got to the room.

"What's it look like? I'm leaving, it's what you want obviously."

"Look, why don't you just stay here. There's a guest room. If anything I can sleep there and you can have this room."

"No, Nuh uh." She shook her head, "I'm not sticking around where I'm not wanted and watch you two play house."

With that she grabbed her things and stormed out.

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