32- Sick

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"Baby what's wrong?" Nova walked into the room and seen Zack walking out of the bathroom holding his stomach.

"I don't know exactly, all I know is I feel like shit." He grumbled and laid down.

Nova walked over and placed her hand on his forehead, "Shit, you're burning up."

"No, it's just your hands are cold." He said as she grabbed a wet rag.

"No, it's not that." She dabbed the rag all over his face, "Have you ate anything? Maybe something made you sick."

He shrugged, "Oh, we did eat at that diner earlier today for lunch remember? Maybe it was from there."

"But then the rest of us would be sick too." She kissed his forehead, "I'm going to go down to the lobby and see if they know how I can get in touch with a doctor that does house calls or something."

"Why so he can tell me I'm dying. I mean I've been puking my guts out for the last hour." He grumbled.

"Oh stop, you're not dying you big baby." She giggled softly then walked out.

Luckily there was a doctor that did make house calls and he told them it was the flu. Just didn't know how long it would last and only time would be able to tell then gave him some medicine to take.

"Babe, you need to get out so you don't get sick." He grumbled into the pillow as she rubbed his back.

"No it's okay. I have a strong immune system. I promise I'll be okay."

"Lucky you." He weakly chuckled.

"Take your shirt off."

"Babe I'm too sick to make love to you sorry."

"Oh my lord Zachary." She giggled, lightly smacking his shoulder blade, "That's not what my intentions are."

"I'm sure it's not." He winked and slowly took his shirt off.

"Much better." She sat on her knees next to him and began rubbing his back more, causing him to groan from it feeling good.

She noticed he fell asleep so she smiled and kissed his temple. But right as she got off the bed there was a knock on the door.

"Oh hey Val." She placed her finger to her mouth as she stepped aside then motioned to Zack, "He fell asleep few minutes ago."

"Poor guy, Matt said he has the flu." She said as she stepped inside but stayed by the door.

"Yeah unfortunately. I just don't know how they're going to do the show tonight. At least him anyways. He won't be able to perform, he can barely walk to the bathroom let alone stand up on stage." Nova sighed.

"I think that's what the guys are talking to Larry about now."

"It's going to suck if they cancel because of one member being sick. I mean maybe they can still do the show and have one of the Berry's stand in for Zack."

"Hey that's a good idea." Val smiled.

"Because she's amazing." Zack grumbled then slowly sat up, "I can do the show tonight, I can't let our fans down."

"No you can't Zack." Val sighed, "It's okay."

"No it's not. All those fans paid lots of money to see us." He rubbed his palm on his eye.

"Baby." Nova went to him, "Stay in bed, they'll live, your health is more important right now. They'll understand why you're not there."

He stood up and got dizzy so he had to grab his head, "Fuck." Nova made him sit back down, "Okay so maybe I can't be there, fucking hell."

Nova sighed as they rest of the guys walked in as she was making him lay back down.

"How's he doing?" Matt asked.

"Not good, he stood up and got dizzy. Babe he can't perform tonight." Val told them.

"Shit." Brian groaned. "Guess we have to postpone."

"Not necessarily, Nova tell them what you suggested to me."

"Oh uhm, maybe one of the Berry boys could stand in for Zack. It would be better than postponing the show."

"That's an awesome idea." Jimmy grinned.

"But the fans are expecting to see Zack there not Jason or Matt." Johnny groaned, "That could make them mad. Or even lose fans."

"Are you shitting me? Look at him." Nova points her hand to Zack, "He is sick Jonathan, how the hell do you expect him to stand up there and play guitar when he can't even get out of bed without getting dizzy." She jabs her finger into his chest as she spoke, "And if they were true fans they would understand, they would rather he get better then torture himself to satisfy their wants. The true fans wouldn't want to see him sick, or even possibly pass out trying to perform for them!"

"Babe, it's okay." Zack sighed rubbing his hands over his face.

"Woah." Johnny put his hands up in defense, "Okay I get your point sorry."

"Yeah you better." She rolled her eyes and walked over to Zack who had put his arm over his eyes.

They talked to Larry and the Berry guys and agreed it was better than cancelling or postponing the show. Nova decided to stay with him in case he needed anything or if he got worse.

"Babe, if you want to go be with our friends you can go. I don't expect you to be here with me all night. All I'm going to be doing is sleeping anyways."

"No, it's okay." She ran her fingers through his hair.

All of a sudden the door opened and Jimmy waltzed in wearing gloves and a mask.

"Dr Jimmy is here to evaluate the patient."

Zack looked over and groaned, "Fuck you Jimmy. Don't you dare touch me. "

"Awe but why man. Gotta get you better. You were highly missed tonight at the show."

"Jimmy, where did you get that stuff." Nova giggled.

"I have my ways." He winked. "You feeling any better man?"

"Not really. Can't keep any food down, he'll can barely keep water down."

"Damn, so no drinking with us tonight then."

"Obviously." He sighed, "Go man, I just want to sleep."

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