23- Magic Ride

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"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Zacky raised his eyebrow when he came up on Nova and Jimmy.

He was trotting around holding Nova on his back and making noises.

"Baby!" She squeeled, "Jimmy is my horse and you're my knight in shiny armor. We're just riding around the venue, making sure people are obeying the law by having fun." She then ruffles Jimmy's hair, "You're a good horsey aren't you?" His response was he nodded his head as he made some neighing sounds.

"I think you two have lost your minds." Zacky chuckled.

"Well if you find it let us know." Jimmy joked.

"Hey, it's a magic horse that can talk, yay." She giggled and clapped like a little kid. "Off we go my lucky horse." She patted Jimmy's shoulder so he vibrated his lips together and trotted away.

"Brian? What is wrong with those two? They are acting strange."

"You mean stranger than normal?" Brian snickered. "Honestly not sure, although I did see them eating something little bit ago then they started acting like that."

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" His eyes got wide, "What the hell was it?"

"Beats me." He shrugged as he patted Zacky's shoulder, "But don't worry about it man. They're having fun and not hurting anyone. They're even making everyone laugh, it's what he's best at doing besides the drums obviously. And look at it this way, it's good to see her enjoying herself after the shit she's been through."

"Yeah I guess you're right." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I just hope they don't get hurt. Her especially." He mumbled the last part.

"Nah, I highly doubt they will." Brian chuckled.

"Hi Brian!" Nova giggled as they came back and she hopped down from Jimmy's back. "Time to rest, don't want to wear you out before the bands set."

"Hello there." Brian smirked. "Having fun?"

"We always have fun. This shorty is fun to hang out with." He patted her back.

"Hey I'm not that short, at least I'm taller than Johnny." She stuck her tongue playfully at them.

"Hey! Only by what a couple inches." Johnny acted like he was upset.

"Awe, don't be mad because you're so short, actually you're just fun size." She giggled and playfully pinched his cheek.

He instantly swatted her hand away, "Now look what you did Jimmy! You've got her joking about my height too." He laughed shaking his fist at him.


After the last show they was able to get a hotel before heading home.

"Ah finally, a comfortable bed." Nova fell back into the bed.

"Yeah definitely." Zack said as he laid down.

She smiled rolling over and started kissing on his neck as she rubbed her hands on his chest.

"Stop." He grabbed her hand and moved his head away from her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He bit out and sighed, "Just exhausted is all." He lied.

"Awe, but I'm wide awake."

"Yeah well you didn't play a show in front of millions of people. Why don't you go see if Jimmy is still wide awake. Maybe you two can play more games."

"What the fuck? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She sat up quickly.

"Oh I don't know, maybe because you two got high together and was acting crazy all day. Hell I don't see how you both aren't wore out."

"So that's what this is about." She scoffed, "You're mad at me for actually letting loose today finally."

"No, actually that's not why I'm upset Nova. I'm upset because of the fact of how you were acting today because you were on who knows what. And Who knows what could have happened while you were out of your mind."

"I don't see how it's that big of a deal. It's not like I was off wondering by myself. I was with Jimmy and we were having fun before your guy's set just like you guys were with the drinking. Do you really not trust me? Or him?"

"Oh my God!" He groaned, "Of course I trust you both, with my life! But look what happened the last time you got high!"

"Oh, yeah throw that in my face!" She jumped off the bed, "That wasn't my fucking fault Zachary! And it was a fucking mistake! But I handled my own despite being freaked out. I did a lot more to him than you did! And if something were to happen I would have handled it just like I did that night! And for your damn information, I wasn't fully out of my damn mind like you think I was." She sniffled.

"Baby." He walked over to her, "I'm sorry I just don't want anything to happen to you." He starts to rub her shoulders but she pushed him back.

"No, don't touch me. It's obvious you don't trust me and my mind." She asks to the door.

"That's not true! Where you going?"

"Just going downstairs for some air, away from you. Don't wait up."

"Seriously? It's almost 1 am."

"So fucking what? Oh wait, you afraid I'm out of my mind and the boogeyman will get me? News flash he's not real. And anyways there's security and the receptionist down there I'll be fine! Or do you not trust them neither."

"Well I mean I don't know them." He tried to make light of the situation but she just rolled her eyes.

"I'll keep that in mind." She Stormed out.

He then kicked the bed out of frustration.

"Hey, what's wrong?" When Nova seen Jimmy standing there by his door she quickly hid her face and wiped her eyes.

"Nothing, just going down to get some air." She said flatly.

"Want company?"

"Oh my God! Does no one trust something bad won't happen to me every time I'm high or by myself." She bit out.

He threw his hands up, "Hey Woah, that's not why I asked. I asked because clearly you're upset. And just because you're pissed at Zack doesn't mean you have to go off on me."

"I'm sorry." She sighs.

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