10 - Breaking Free

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Over the next year Zack convinced Nova to document everything that was happening to her. He even talked her into and helping her set up some hidden camera around the house.

"Think these won't be discovered by him? Because he would be livid of he knew about them."

"Not if we did it right. You can use this footage to help your case, I still think you should try to get emancipated. You would win."

She sighs, "But it still wouldn't help me. It would piss him off more and he would come after me."

"Not if you get an order of protection."

"Oh my fucking God, do you honestly think he would care about that? He would just ignore it." She groaned. "Can we not talk about that anymore please? Let's talk about something else, like this new band you're in. Have you guys chose a name?"

He sighs and nods, "We have, it's called Avenged Sevenfold."

"Oh cool, who came up with that?"

"Sanders." He smirked.

"Wait, did you just call him by his last name?" She giggled.

"Yes, because we have two Matt's in the band."

"Oh right." She smirked, "So when is the first practice?"

"Next weekend, we'll be at Matt Sanders parents house. His parents are nice enough to let us use their garage."

"Awesome! I do believe I get to be free that weekend. My dad mentioned something about going out of town for work."

"Well hopefully he does and you don't get forced to go with."

"Yeah and speaking of the devil, shit go out the back hurry." She said as they heard the garage door opening.

Zacky quickly rushed out the backdoor quietly as possible.

She smiles over at Frank as she pulled the lasagna out of the oven.

"That smells good." He smiles.

"Thanks, I made it homemade this time."

"Good, it's better than that boxes crap."

"Yeah." She said as she pulled out the cheesey garlic bread.

"So the client cancelled tonight. So it's just me and you tonight." He says as they sat down to eat.

"Oh okay."


~Months later~

As she laid in bed, Frank came into her room and laid down in her bed. She sighed lowly when he started getting frisky on her. Like normal he reeked of alcohol.

"Stop, I'm tired."

"Like I give a shit." He growled in her ear, "I told you, you are my property." He said as he forced his hand onto her folds between her leg.

She decided to fight back when he pulled his hand back and forced himself onto her. He ended up ripping her clothes as he pulled them off her.

"Stop! This isn't right!" She cried.

"I don't give a shit." He groaned and held her hands down.

He held her hands above her head with one hand as he roughly fondled her breasts with the other hand as he raped her.

As soon as she got her hand free she grabbed the knife she had hidden and stabbed him in the neck. He groaned then collapsed to which she struggled as she climbed out from underneath him.

"Oh my God!" She cried out as her whole body shook.

She then rushed to call the authorities. Once they got there she was sitting in the back of an ambulance as Zacky and Zina came over but the police wouldn't let them get close.

She looked up seeing them and quickly rushed to them, throwing herself into Zacky's arms.

"Babe what happened are you okay?"

"I'm not okay." She cried, "I did it, thanks to your guys encouragement I did it."

He made her look at him as Zina asked, "What did you do?"

"I got out of his control finally." She sniffled as they pushed a stretcher out of the house.

"Nova, what the hell happened?" Zacky's eyes were wide.

"I stabbed him." Was all she could choke out before she passed out.

When she woke up she was in the hospital alone.

"Welcome back." A nurse stated.

"What happened?" She asked as she slowly sat up.

"Apparently you passed out from the events tonight. How are you feeling?"

"Could be better." She sighs.

"I understand. Now that you're awake we've got to do a rape kit on you as evidence. And we've noticed old wounds on your body." She says as a police officer walked in. The nurse nodded at the female officer letting her know she can ask her questions.

"Miss Benson, I'm officer Williams. Since the old wounds were noted, how long has the abuse been going on?"

"For years, he usually only does it when he's been drinking."

"And tonight the first night he's sexually abused you?" When asked Nova shook her head. "How long has it been going on?"

"For a year of him doing that to me. But he's forced me to have sexual actions with men for money. Look on his computer, I bet it's all right there. And I should have proof of the abuse." Her voice cracked. "Is he is he dead?"

"Yes he is."

"Oh God, I didn't mean to kill him. I just wanted it all to stop." She cried. "I'm going to jail for manslaughter aren't I?"

"More than likely no. I'm telling you this right now, this will be a self defense charge. Because of what you've said and if we can get proof then it will help your defense."

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