51- Awkward Meetings

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Over the period of the next few months Zack and Nova went through their divorce. In the divorce, he signed over the house to her, at first she didn't want it but gave in and took it because she had no other place to go. Although while their divorce was being finalized she had been staying with Jason and Laura Berry but knew she couldn't be there forever.

It was hard for her to her a job since she didn't have any previous work experience. She ended up having to settle for odd jobs here and there.

Her and Zacky barely spoke except about the divorce. It was too hard for her talk to him nor see him under other circumstances.

She tried to remain friends with their other friends, like the wives, but they always had an excuse why they couldn't hang out. She tried to understand, they had kids and their own careers to deal with along with helping the guys out with their careers.

One day though, she walked into one of the cafes, and sitting there together was the ladies, chatting it up with none other than a pregnant Meghan.

"Wow." She scoffed to herself. She then sucked up her pride and walked over. "Hello ladies. I see you girls found some free time to hang out."

"Oh, hey Nova. Yeah finally." Val nodded with a small smile.

"I guess my invite got lost." She shrugs, she acted like it wasn't bothering her but it did, "That's okay, it's whatever."

"Look, we're sorry. It's just, with you and Zack not together anymore. We didn't want you to feel awkward or anything if you came around with him and Meghan being together. Especially for the sake of the baby they're having together." Michelle sighed.

"No, no I get it I do. It's uh it's okay. I guess I'll see you guys around." She rubbed her fingers on her forehead as she turned around to walk away but stopped and faced them again, "You know what fuck this. This, this is high school petty shit. This." She motioned around the table, "This just proves you guys were only my friend because of Zack. Now that we're not together you're all just throwing me away just like he did."

"Nova, shh, you're causing a scene." Laura hissed silently.

"I don't give a shit. Because if you guys were truly my friends you wouldn't care that me and him aren't together anymore. You'd still want to hang out with me, you'd make a point to. But no, who cares about miss Nova. She's nothing now. Maybe I never was, I was just the girl that was with Zack. Now it's all about this homewrecking whore. I mean really, is it actually Zack's baby? How many other married men have you slept with before you finally settled with him."

"Nova, that's enough!" Laura called out.

"And you." She pointed to her, "You were my friend before you even met these girls. Hell I'm the reason you are getting to sit with them! I introduced you to them! To Jason! And now fuck the friendship with me huh?! To hell with me, I was apparently just a fill in for Zack and for you until something else came along!"

"Ma'am, I need you to either calm down or leave." The manager walked over and told her.

"Don't worry, I'm leaving. I don't want to be around these immature bitches anymore! I hope you're happy and have a fucking good life!" She yelled then stormed out.

Once she got into the car, she broke down crying as she gripped the steering wheel and placed her forehead on it. She quickly wiped her eyes though as someone had knocked on her window.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" The lady asked once Nova rolled the window some.

"Oh uhm, I will be." She sniffled as she nodded, "Sorry."

"No, don't be sorry. We're all allowed breakdowns every now and then. It's better to let it out then bottle it up. I seen what happened in there, I think it's amazing how you went off on them. I may not know the whole story but it sounds like they deserve it."

"I guess." She seen Laura walking towards her car, "But I should get out of here." She started her car.

"Okay, hopefully things get better. You'll find better friends, I'm sure of it."

"Yeah I don't know about that but thank you." With that the lady walked away.

"Nova, wait, can we talk? Please?"

"What the hell do you want?"

"Look, I'm sorry."

"Yeah everyone is."

"I don't know about them but I really don't want to lose your friendship just because you two aren't together. You're right, it was you that introduced me to them."

"Right, don't want to lose my friendship, well you have a funny way of showing it Laura."

"I know, I'm sorry, I am. It's just, I didn't think you would want to come around. It's only right we're nice to her, I mean she is carrying Zack's baby after all. We're being nice for him."

"Are you even sure it's his? I mean come on, if she's a big enough whore to sleep with him while we were still married whose to say she didn't do that with other guys."

"I guess he didn't tell you. He was questioning it also, that's why they had a DNA test done, and came back that the baby was his."

"And I'm supposed to believe that? She hasn't even had the baby yet, so how the hell can they do a DNA test."

"Because it is possible to do it, with technology now. There's ways to do one now before the baby is born. You can even look it up if you don't believe me. I have no reason to lie."

"Like I care really." She shrugs, "I feel used, you used me to get to them and now just like Zack, just like them." She points to the girls who were off in a distance, "You're throwing me to the side like I'm nothing. Maybe I was truly nothing to begin with. Maybe everyone only wanted to be around me because they felt sorry for the abused girl. But I haven't been that girl in a long time."

"That's not true Nova. You know that's not true. You are not nothing."

"Yeah." She scoffed, "Whatever, goodbye Laura. Have a good life with everyone. With Jason."

"Nova, wait what's that supposed to mean?"

"You don't have to worry about me anymore." She shook her head then pulled away.

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