49- Forgiveness

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"So what's this shit with you and Meghan man?" Matt questioned Zack. "Like night before last you kissing her, that wasn't cool. You're married, you can't be doing that shit."

"I know okay? But I didn't exactly planned to kiss her, it just happened because I was caught up in the moment from making that shot."

"Yeah well you're playing with fire buddy." He grumbled with a head shake, "And it's best to come clean before she hears it from someone else."

"She already knows." Zack sighs.

"Holy shit?! So you went home and told her? Good for you man. That's the best thing to do."

"Not exactly."

"What do you mean not exactly?"

"She uh, she apparently witnessed it."

"Are we talking about Nova and her walking into the bar, seeing you two then storming out?" Brian walked up.

"Yeah how'd you know?" Zack raised an eyebrow.

Brian rubbed the back of his neck, "I kinda seen her there, well it was more as she was walking out."

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Zack stood up, "And you couldn't have the decency to tell me that night? To say hey man, you're wife is here or something?!"

Brian threw his hands up, "Hey that's not my responsibility to get in your guys problems. You're a grown man, I shouldn't have to tell you that what you're doing is fucked up. And if I'm not mistaken, we tried to warn you not to hang with this girl outside of the office. And I also do believe Matt here told you years ago not to do shit with that girl at his bachelor party and Johnny tried to steer you away from one on tour. And both times you didn't listen to them. You fucked with them anyways. So why do you think we should speak up this time?"

"Fuck, you're right." He sighs.

"Sorry, I should have at least told you she was there. Friends are supposed to at least warn their best friend."

"No, it's okay. I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"No you're good. It's understandable to be upset." He pats his back, "So how'd it go with Nova? She forgive you? I know last time there was cheating involved you two forgave each other."

"I don't know." He shrugs, "This times different, because this time we're married. But we spent most of the morning arguing. That is until she locked herself in the bedroom the rest of the day. I barely got her to eat anything, If she even did." He shrugged rubbing his hands over his face, "I ended up sleeping in the guest bedroom, which I understand, I deserve having to do that."

"I'm sure she'll forgive you since it was just a kiss." Matt then looks at Zack, "It was just a kiss that happened between you two right?"

"Yeah, yeah of course it was just a kiss." He nodded as he rubbed his palms on his thighs.

Truth was, it wasn't. He ended up at Megan's apartment for more fun than just kissing. And the guys could sense he was lying, they've known each other half their lives so they could tell when each of them were lying or telling the truth. But they didn't push him further, Matt and Brian just looked at each other, knowing it went further than that kiss they seen them do.

Just then Johnny and Arin walked in with the food.

"About time, what did you two do, have to change each other's diapers?" Brian joked.

"No, we were busy buying you some since I hear you like to piss yourself." Arin smirked.

"Hey man, that was one time! And I was shit face drunk." Brian chuckled, "And at least I piss on myself and not people father's." He smirked looking at Johnny.

"Wait, you pissed on someone's dad? Who? When?" Arin laughed looking at Johnny.

"Mine." Brian chuckled.

"Hey in my defense I was shit faced too. And I felt bad the next day when I found out what I did." He laughed then looked at Arin, "It was back in like 07 or something like that."

Later that night, instead of going out, the guys decided to head home to their girls. As they told Zack, it was better if he went home than go out anyways if he wants Nova's trust back.

"Wow, you're home early." Nova stated when Zack asked into the house.

"Yeah, we decided not to go straight to the bar this time. You haven't started cooking anything have you?"

"Nope, didn't plan on it neither. Be a waste of time anyways." She shrugged.

"Good, I mean that you haven't started anything." He walks over to her, "Let's go out to eat. Just me and you. We haven't done that in a while."

"And whose fault is that?" She scoffed.

"I know, I know." He steps up behind her, wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her shoulder, "Please? I'm trying to make things up to you."

"Why because you don't want to sleep in the guest bedroom again?"

"Well no, that's not why. Despite what I did, I do love you Nova. And I'm a jackass for doing what I did. Can you please find it in your heart to forgive me?" He kisses the crook of her neck gently. "I'll get on my hands and knees to beg if I have to."

"No, as much as I'd enjoy watching that, you don't have to go that far." She turns around in his arms.

"I would if I have to." He says as he stares into her eyes.

"It's okay. Because I've realized something, yeah you go out almost every night but it's me you come home to. Well except the other night."

"And I've apologized for that, multiple times."

"I know you have, that's what I'm trying to get at. It's that I do forgive you, because my love for you is too much to not forgive you."

A smile slowly forms on his face, "I love you Nova."

"I love you too."

They then kissed, but before it went further she pulled away.

"Let's go get something to eat."

"Yes let's. And I'll even let you pick the place. Anywhere you choose." He winked, making it sound like she's never the one who gets to choose in the first place even though that wasn't the case.

Seize The DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora