19- Moving

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"These are the last of the boxes." Zacky walked in with a couple of boxes in his hands.

"Awesome." She smiled and took one, "Oh these are my moms old stuff." Sitting the box down she opened it, "It's her jewelry." She beamed as she pulled a small velvet box out.

"Is that her wedding ring?" Zack sat the box he had down and came to her.

She shook her head, "No that was buried with her, this is her mother's ring that I got for her the Christmas before she passed away." She opened it up, it had a sapphire and a Ruby stones in the shape of hearts on a silver band, "These are our birthstones. Mine is the sapphire for September and her's is the Ruby cause her birthday was July 5th."

"It's beautiful babe. You going to wear it aren't you?"

" I think it will." She nods and pulls it out of the box but as she started to slid it on, it fell and rolled under the couch, "Shit!"

"We'll get it. I'll lean the couch back as you grab it."

Right as she got a hold of the ring, his grip slipped, the couch hit her wrist rather hard.

"Ow!" She screeched.

"Fuck!" He quickly lifted the couch back up, "Baby I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed as she brought her hand out.

She quickly held her arm to her chest when he tried to look at it, "Don't! If you would have kept a better grip this wouldn't have fucking happened damnit." She sniffled.

"I said I'm sorry." He sighed, "Come on, let's go get it checked out."

She reluctantly let him take her to the hospital to make sure it wasn't broken.

As they waited she bounced her foot. They soon called her back to have an xray done.

Since it was just the nurse and Nova going to the room, the nurse took the opportunity to ask, "Did he do this to you intentionally? You can be honest, he doesn't have to know you told me."

"What?" Her eyes got wide, "Of course it wasn't intentional! He was helping me get my mom's ring from underneath the couch and it slipped and hit my wrist."

"Okay hun."

"Look, he would never intentionally hurt me. He's what helped keep me brave against my father, who actually did abuse me when we were teenagers. So just because he's got the piercings and all these tattoos, he's the sweetest guy ever. Hell he was so patient with me when I took time for myself and went into a facility for therapy." She smiled as they walked back to the patient room after they were done with the x-rays.

"That's so sweet." The nurse smiled back, "And I have nothing against tattoos by the way." She looked around then lifted her shirt to show off the big tattoo that covered her side.

"That's beautiful, I have something similar on my back with a Bob Marley quote about strength, although when I read it I didn't know it was his until the artist informed me but I didn't care."

"You never know how strong are, until being strong is your only choice."

"Yes! You know it too huh?" She said as they got to the room.

"I do, because it's true in any situation especially in an abuse situation."

"You're back." Zack stood up quickly. "It's not broke is it?"

Nova shrugged as the nurse answered, "Not sure yet, the results will be back soon and I'll let Nova know."

After a half hour wait, they finally got the x-rays back. Thankfully it wasn't broke, it was just a hairline fracture but the doctor still wanted her to wear a brace for a couple of months.

"Zack? You okay?" She seen him gripping the steering wheel tightly as he drove.

"No I'm not because I broke my promise to you Nova. I promised to never physically hurt you and yet I did. And I seen the way those nurses and doctors kept looking at me. Like I did this to you on purpose but I didn't damn it. I didn't fucking mean to!" He smacked his palm on the steering wheel.

She flinched when he raised his voice but put her hand on his shoulder, "Baby, I know it was an accident. Who cares what they think. We both know you didn't mean to and that's what matters. And yes I raised my voice to you right after it happened but I shouldn't have."

"No, you had every right to because you were hurt and I'm sorry Nova, I truly am. I feel horrible for hurting you."

She rubs her hand up and down his upper arm, "I know you are, and I'm not mad at you. Let's just be thankful that I'm okay. It's not broke and it's also not my dominant hand." She slowly waved her right wrist with the brace in the air.

He sighs as he grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it, "We'll go pick up your pain meds then I can either drop you off at home or you can come with to meet up with the guys. We're checking out the bus We'll be using on this tour."

"What kind of tour is it again?"

"The Van's Warped Tour, so there's going to be a lot of bands performing."

"That's awesome, I bet it's going to be amazing."

"It is, I think this year Matt might use a wireless microphone so we don't have the same mishap as a couple years ago." He smirked.

"What happened?"

"He decided to swing the mic by the cord and smacked me in the head. He didn't realized he did it until he seen blood running down my face. But like troopers we carried on with the performance."

"Awe baby." She gushed as she ran her hand over his head.

After they picked up her prescription they headed to where the rest of the band was.

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