35 - Somethings up with Jimmy

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Thankfully Jimmy only had to spend one night in jail then was able to be bailed out of jail. The first thing he wanted when he got out was beer and pizza so they got that for him.

The next night they had a show to play so they all headed to the venue.

"Oh my gosh, you're Zacky's girlfriend, Nova." A females voice came.

Nova turned around and smiled, "I am, what's your name?" The girl looked like she couldn't be more than 15.

"My names, Tiffany."

"Well it's nice to meet you Tiffany."

"Same to you." She grinned then her smile got bigger when she seen Zack walk up.

"Hey there you are. Whose this?" He put his arm around Nova's waist.

"Babe, this is Tiffany."

"Oh my God, you're Zacky Vengeance." She tried to keep her composure but it was clear she was excited.

"That's what they call me." He chuckled.

"Can I, can I get a picture with you both?"

"Of course you can sweetie." Nova nodded, although it kind of surprised her a fan wanted a picture with her too.

They got the attention of a security guard to take the picture for them, which Zack had made sure to stand between the two girls, with his arms around their shoulders for it. 

"Thank you!" She beamed.

"It's not a problem. Anything for our fans." He hugged her and kissed the side of her head, "If you hurry and go that way you might be able to catch the rest of the guys before we have to go on." He pointed towards the direction of the dressing room.

Nova couldn't help but stare at him with a grin as the girl walked away.


"Nothing really, I just find it amazing how you guys interact with the fans."

"Oh." He chuckled, "We have to treat them special because they are. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for their support."

"I know, but it's still amazing."

About 20 minutes later the guys geared up and went on stage. Halfway through their set, Nova noticed Jimmy tightly closing his eyes and shaking his head some. She didn't think anything of it until he missed a few beats to rub his eyes, which wasn't normal for him.

"Jason, somethings up with Jimmy." She had rushed over to Jason Berry.

"You noticed it too huh?" He sighed.

"Definitely." She nodded.

"Shit!" They quickly rushed over to him right as he passed out, landing face first on his drumset.

"Oh my God, whats wrong with him?!" Nova asked shakily to no one in particular.

The guys noticed he had stopped playing so they looked back to see a couple guards carrying him away from his drums.

"Shit." Matt groaned than spoke into the microphone "Okay, sorry everyone but we have to cut our set short for a moment. We're gonna make sure The Rev is okay and we promise we'll be right back to let you fans know what's going on." With that he followed the rest of the guys offstage.

"Come on Jimmy, sweetheart wake up." Nova was wiping his face off with a damp towel as the on call paramedics was checking his vitals.

After a few seconds he groaned as he came to.

"Fuck, what happened. Am I in heaven?" He looked up to see Nova's face above his.

"No definitely not." She giggled.

He looked around and joked, "Good because I see a bunch of ugly goons."

"Easy bud." Brian sighed as Jimmy slowly sat up.

"You want to tell us what happened back there?" Matt asked.

"I don't know exactly." Jimmy shrugged, "I was playing then all of a sudden my eyes started burning like fucking crazy so I tried shaking my head thinking that might help. It seemed to make it worse. And then it's like I was having a hard time breathing, it almost was like I was smelling that mace all over again and then I woke up to see all you guys standing around me." He grabbed a towel and wiped his face.

Nova threw her head back and sighed, "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy." She looks at him, "After You've gotten sprayed by that mace, have you taken a shower?"

"Uh no." He slowly stated.

"Idjit." She breathes out, smacking her forehead against her palm, "That's the problem then. I guarantee you probably still had some residue from it on your skin. Then when you started sweating, it activated, making it roll down your face. Hence the eye burning and the smell."

"Oops" He said like a kid caught in the candy jar.

"Who doesn't take a shower after they were maced." Matt laughed.

"Apparently Jimmy." Brian laughed.

"Yeah yeah fuck you guys." Jimmy chuckled.

"At least you're okay right?" Johnny had chuckled with them.

"Yeah man, I'm fine. At least for the most." Jimmy nodded.

"Cause everybody's gotta die sometime, we fell apart. Let's make a new start." Nova randomly sang which caused everyone to chuckle.

"Babe what are you doing?" Zack laughed.

"Oh come on. Don't tell me you don't recognize that song." She smirked.

"Well obviously that's our song. Just the fact out of no where you start singing it."

"Noo, Jimmy said at least for the most part which is a line in that song so I couldn't help myself. I started singing the next line." She giggled with a shrug.

"You're such a goofball I swear." Zacky chuckled kissing her cheek.

"I know."

"That's why we love her." Brian chuckled then got serious, "Jimmy you good man?" He helped him stand up.

"Yeah." He nods. "Do we still have time to do more of our set? The fans are expecting some more from us I'm sure."

"I don't know man." Matt Berry looked at the time, "You guys only had a few songs left anyways."

"How about this, you go wash up." Brian motioned his hand over his own face. "While you're doing that I can do some solos and we can let the fans know you're okay. I'm pretty sure most of them are worried."

As Jimmy went to wash his face off fully, Brian went out and talked to the fans, telling them that he was fine, he just had a moment of weakness. They then finished the rest of their set.

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