21- Not Happening

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Shh I kinda stole this idea from LeylaDaSilvaAugusto  😜


Halfway through the Van's tour they decided to hang with the guys of Good Charlotte on their tour bus. While hanging they were also drinking alcohol and smoking weed.

"You okay?" Zacky said softly to Nova as she sat sideways on one of his legs and he rest her hand on her thigh.

"Yes, I'm feeling good." She smiled and pecked his lips then took the joint from him, took a hit of it and handed it to the next person. 

"Me too." He softly rubbed her thigh by her knee.

"You know, I must say. Your guys song, Hold on, is a powerful one. A old roommate of mine showed it to me not too long ago. She said it was her go to song to remind her to stay strong." Nova smiled to the guys of Good Charlotte, "We'd often listen to it together."

"It definitely is." Joel Madden smiled, "We've gotten positive feedback from it."

"And we're happy it's helped so many fans. That was the reason we made it. We've gotten so many letters saying how it saved their life. It makes us feel good." Benji Madden said as he exhaled some smoke from the joint he hit.

Nova started to talk about her situation and how it helped her but decided against it afraid it would bring down the good vibes that was going on.

"So how did that happen?" Paul Thomas decided to ask, pointing to her wrist.

"She Jerked Zack off to much and hurt her wrist." Jimmy joked.

"James Owen!" Nova laughed as she tossed one of the small pillows at him.

"Oh ho, the first and middle name, that's when you know you screwed up buddy." Benji chuckled.

"But in seriousness, I was getting ready to put this on." She held her hand up that showed her mom's ring, "And it fell, rolling under the couch. So as Zack was leaning the couch back so I could get it. He lost his grip and the couch hit my wrist. I ended up with just a fracture." She runs her hand through his hair, "Poor Zack felt horrible for hurting me, didn't help some of the hospital staff I think thought he hurt me on purpose or of anger or some shit." She rolled her eyes, "A nurse actually asked me too but I pretty much put her in her place about it."

"That's the problem, people like to assume shit that they don't even know the whole story to." Brian rolled his eyes and they all agreed.

After a bit Nova kissed Zacky's cheek, "Restroom time." She giggled then walked towards the back.

As she came out of the bathroom she seen Good Charlotte's drummer Chris Wilson standing there.

"Oh hello. The bathroom is all yours." She smiled and tried walking past him.

"Maybe you can help me." He winked nothing his head towards the door.

"Uh no, not happening." She shuddered.

"Oh come on, how about we go to the backroom and have some fun." He put his hands on her waist, nudging her towards the back room as he kissed on her neck, "They've got music going so they went hear us."

"Get off me you disgusting pig." She tried pushing him away but didn't have any luck.

"We both could use some release." He smirked into her neck as he undid her shorts. "And you're sexy as hell."

"Fuck off." She was finally able to get away.

But as she walked away he grabbed her hair which made her scream, "Come be the hooker you are."

"Fuck you! I'm not a fucking hooker!" She kicked him in the nuts.

"Fucking bitch!" He groaned grabbing himself.

Right as she went to rush towards the front she ran into another body and started freaking out.

"Nova baby it's me. Shh." As soon as she realized it was Zacky she hugging him tightly, crying. He instantly wrapped his arms around her and scowled at Chris, "What the fuck did you do to my girlfriend?!"

"He, he tried." She stuttered, not being able to say the words.

"Your girlfriend? I thought she was some random slut." Chris groaned in pain still.

"You motherfucker!" He started to go towards him but was stopped by Benji and Matt.

"Go, take care of your girl. We've got this." Matt assured him, "Get her out of here, now."

Zacky just nodded as he lead Nova to the Avenged bus.

"Shh it's okay baby. You're safe." He sat down and pulled her into his lap. "I'm sorry I wasn't right there."

She just cuddled up to him and cried as he held her.

"How she doing?" Jimmy asked moments later, Nova's cries had subsided by then.

"She's stopped crying." Zacky told him above a whisper. "I finally got her to lay down. I uh." He stuck his hands in his pockets, "I hope it was okay, I gave her one of your pills that help you sleep, sorry."

"No, you're good man, it's fine." He patted Zack's shoulder, "If I was here I would have offered her one myself. No one would be able to sleep on their own after that." He said as the rest of them walked into the bus.

"The rest of the guys feel bad about that jackass did." Brian stated, "Apparently she held her own and got away by kicking him in the nuts." He smirked.

"But she shouldn't have went that shit again man! And I failed to protect her yet again!" Zacky groaned.

"Hey, none of this is anyone's fault except his. We didn't know it would happen." Matt told him.

Just then there was a soft knock on the door then Joel popped in.

"Hey we're really sorry he did that shit. He's being forced out of the band. We can't have someone like that." Joel shook his head, "She okay?"

Zack nodded some, "As much as she can be. And don't worry, we're not gonna hold his actions against the rest of you guys. This is all on him. But I'm telling you, he steps one foot near her or even me, I'm fucking his shit up." He said point blank.

Joel threw his hands up and nodded once, "Understandable, and none of us will let him near her, I promise you that."

Seize The DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora