40- Changes

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"So have you and Zack choose a date yet?" Laura asked as the girls helped her get ready for her Marriage with Jason Berry.

"We have." Nova grinned with a nod, "It's going to be August 20th, and we're talking about having it at the spot we got engaged."

"Awe that would be romantic." Val beamed.

"It would." Nova nods, "It's amazing, we're all pretty much engaged at the same time. I think the guys had this planned. I'm surprised they didn't talk us into having one giant wedding where we all got married all at the same time." She laughed.

"Oh God I'm surprised." Michelle laughed.

"Thank goodness they haven't. I love you girls but we deserve to have our own special days." Lacey laughed and the girls agreed.

"You guys? Has anyone heard anything about what's going on between Jimmy and Leana? I've noticed she hasn't been around." Nova asked once they calmed down their giggles.

"Honestly I'm not sure." Val shrugged, "I've questioned him about it and he changes the subject. Something bad had to happen."

"Yeah, and it's obviously got him down. I mean he's let himself go. I'm sure you girls have noticed how he's let his hair grown out, mustache included. And he's not as skinny as he used to be, I mean he's still skinny but he's got more of a beer belly going on. He looks totally different."

"Oh we've noticed." Michelle pointed out, "Just figured it was because of getting older. And he's been working hard on this new album the guys are doing."

"I just hope he's mentally okay you know? I mean I know he's still been cracking the jokes he normally does, and being silly. I just hope it's not an act to cover up what he's going through."

"I wouldn't put too much though into it." Laura shook her head, "I'm sure he's fine. He probably decided to finally change his look. I mean he's had the same look pretty much the last 10 years, mainly that hairstyle of his." She giggled.

"Hey that hairstyle is his signature style, everyone knew him by that hair." Val laughed.

"Remember when we were kids he had that blond spikey hair?" Michelle giggled.

"Oh gosh yes! Than a little while after him and Brian became friends, Brian decided to bleach the top half of his hair." Val giggled.

"At least he did his whole hair and not be like most of the boys and do only the tips." Nova giggled.

"Oh God, that trend was crazy. I don't know why guys thought that looked cool." Laura laughed.

"Hey it was cool." Lacey laughed, "At least to them."

"Hey didn't Johnny do something like that at one point." Laura smirked.

"Yess." Lacey smirked. "But he had more than just the tips bleached. Only the roots were still dark."

"True." Val smiled.

"I swear between all the guys, I think Zack and Johnny had the most hairstyle changes. I started to think they had a hair war going on or something." Nova giggled.

"Wouldn't surprise me." Lacey laughed.

"And Brian now, cut his longer hair off and looks like he stuck his finger in a light socket." Nova laughed.

"It does, doesn't it." Michelle couldn't help but laugh. "But he still looks good."

"Oh but of course. They all do, Jimmy included, despite him looking like a homeless man half the time." Nova joked.


Nova noticed at the reception that everytime Jimmy was by himself he had a sad expression as he watched everyone but every time someone came over to him, his mood quickly changed.

"Dang, double fisting it tonight huh?" Nova smirked noticing one hand had a bottle of beer and the other cup with some alcohol.

He smiled looking over his shoulder at her, "Hey! Yes I am. Can't pass up free liquor."

"Sweetie, is something bothering you? You're drinking quite a bit tonight. And don't think I haven't noticed your somber mood when you think no one's watching." Since she was standing behind him, she rest her hands on his shoulders and rubbed lightly.

"Nothing is bothering me. I'm just celebrating like everyone else is." He shrugged a little.

"Are you sure that all?"

"Yes, it is Nova." He half smiled and down the rest of the alcohol in the cup.

"Okay, so where miss Leana? Surprised she's not here with you. In fact I haven't seen her around in a while."

How face fell and he shook his head, "I don't want to talk about it."

"Did something bad happen between you two?"

He stood and faced her, "What part of, I don't want to talk about don't you understand? This isn't the time or place to do that. We're here to celebrate Jason and Laura not talk about my problems."

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried about you that's all." She threw her hands up in defense.

"I'm fucking fine. I have to be. Now if you'll excuse me I need a refill." He snapped then he walked away causing her to sigh.

"What was that about?" Brian walked up and asked.

"Just asking if he was okay. He's been looking off these days, like mood wise. And I questioned him about it because I'm worried." She shrugged, "And I've noticed Leana hasn't been around lately."

"Yeah." He said slowly, "Him and Leana broke things off."

Her eyes went wide, "What? Why?"

He looks around before he spoke, "I didn't tell you this, but I guess she wants kids, like in the near future. And he doesn't, not really anyways." He rubbed his head, "Only because he swears he's going to die before he's 30."

She sighed, "That's still stuck in his head huh?"

"Yup." He said popping the 'P' sound then sighed.

"I wish he'd stop with that shit. He has his whole life so ahead of him still." She shook her head.

"What's going on over here?" Zacky slurred with a smile as he walked over, draping his arm around Nova's shoulder.

"Nothing baby." She giggled.

"Damn dude, how much have you had to drink?" Brian chuckled, taking a drink of his own beer.

"Only a little bit." He grinned holding his thumb and finger up close to each other. He then kisses Nova's cheek, "Come on baby, let's go home. I want to make sweet love to my fiance." He muffled into her cheek, but Brian heard and snorted back a laugh.

"Oh God Zachary." She laughed at his statement, "You sure you'll be able to? You smell like a brewery." She joked.

"Hey! It can still happen." He smirked at her.

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