33- Hotel Drunks

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As the night progressed Zack slept most of the time.

"Why are you still here?" He woke up and seen her sitting next to him. 

"Because I told you I wanted to be here to take care of you."

"Okay but I'm a grown man. I can take care of myself. Go, go have fun." He rolled over and gulped down some water then laid back again,  "For once I'm giving you permission to go have some fun." It meant to come out as a joke but in his weak state it didn't come out that way.

"Giving me permission? What the hell? Like I need permission from you." She scoffed as she got out of bed.

"Babe, stop." He groaned, "That was supposed to be a joke."

"Yeah well it didn't sound like it. I don't need your permission to do anything." She sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry. But please, everyone is out having fun. I'm sick, you're not so you don't need to be here suffering with me." He linked his fingers together, "Go have fun please for me at least?" He begged then gave her his best puppy dog face.

"Ugh okay fine." She walks over him, "Who could resist that face anyways." She smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too." She pats his shoulder, "Get better baby."

With that she walked out, but when she did she seen Jimmy heading towards of the elevator.

"Hey, I was just getting ready to find everyone."

"Everyone is lame and went to their rooms. Well Brian and the twins are still downstairs. I was heading back down, I just had to change."

"Why? What happened?" She asked as they rode the elevator down.

"I decided to be funny and throw beer in my face."

"Oh my, you're such a goober sometimes I swear." She laughed shaking her head.

"I know. Hey guys look who I found." Jimmy grinned when they got into the hotel bar.

"Hey! Nova!" They boasted.

"How's Mr Rockstar upstairs?" Jason asked.

"He's still feeling miserable. Poor guy is either sleeping or throwing up."

"Oh gross." Brian chuckled. "You drinking with us?" He holds up a cup.

"A few drinks." She nods, and takes the shot he hands her.

"I wouldn't take that." Matt Berry smirked.

"Why?" She didn't wait for an answer and took the shot but instantly scrunched up her face as she gagged, "What the fuck is that nasty shit?"

"That my friend is called absinthe." Brian laughed, "Good shit."

"The hell it is, that Oh my God ugh." She gagged.

"Here, drink this to get the taste out of your mouth." Jimmy chuckled.

She smelled the cup and was thankful that it was just beer so she took a drink.  All of a sudden they seen a guy in a pink shirt walk by.

"Nice shirt." Brian gave him a thumbs up, "Pink is the new black." He repeated a couple times. "When we all know black is the new black. Silly French."

"I thought orange is the new black?" Nova giggled.

"No girl, it's pink."

Brian decided to mess with Matt Berry.

"Take the shot!" He repeated as he climbed up onto the table.

"Brian." Nova laughed, "You're gonna spill our beer." Then laughed when Brian got in Matt's face, "What are you going to do make it with him?"

"You would love to see that huh?" Brian chuckled then took half the shot. "Take the shot, take the shot."

Matt finally took the shot but instantly spit it back into the glass.

"Yummy! Yummy!" Brian climbed off the table slowly but landed on Matt.

"Wait, you can't pick him up?"

"No I'm not strong." Matt chuckled.

"Wait I thought you strong."

Nova giggled as she helped him off the floor but he almost pulled her over as he stood up.

After a little while they had to leave since the bar was closing up. But as they were riding the elevator Brian felt the need to lay down with his butt up in the air.

"You're so drunk my man." Nova giggled.

"Just so you know you don't play guitar with your neck bro." He hung his feet over his head.

"Just going to lay in the floor?"

"You play with your bum bum."

"Is that so?" She giggled and gave his ass a smack.

"Hey that's my bum, leave my bum alone. Go play with Zacky boys bum bum."

"Make me and I would if he wasn't sick." She stuck her tongue out.

"Hey we don't want to hear what you two do in your sexual escapades." Jimmy laughed.

Once they got to their floor Nova and Jimmy helped Brian to the room.

"My bed." He grinned as he laid down then instantly lifted his head to look towards his feet. "Hey what are you doing?"

"I'm taking off your shoes chill." Nova giggled and tossed his shoes to the side.

"Want to help me get changed to?" He joked as he undid his pants. 

"Yeah that's definitely not going to happen. But Jimmy here can help you with that." She patted Jimmy's back.

"Good because I don't want you to anyways." He slurred as he tossed his hat to the table.

She shook her head with a giggle, "Get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning." She kissed his cheek and headed for the door.

"Hey wait up." Jimmy walked over to her, "I'm not ready to settle in yet, want to go for a walk with me? Please?"

She thought for a moment then nodded, "Sure, just let me go check on Zack then we can."

She went to the room, seeing him sprawed out and was asleep. She smiled covering him up and kissed his forehead gently, noticing he still had a small temp but he wasn't as hot as he was earlier. Grabbing her jacket she quietly walked out of the room.

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