Chapter 219: The Fish Market

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"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Grim Reaper and the Phantom, or... Should I call you the Heroes of Alfrione? Which do you prefer?" [Jiro]

"Ugh... That's a little embarrassing..." [Grey]

"Hahaha. I thought you already got used to it by now." [Jiro]

A frowning expression on Grey and Yuna's face, Jiro let out a light chuckle. They may have only known each other for a short time, but that short time was enough for them to become acquainted. There was only a light atmosphere about them.

"Long time no see, Grey, Yuna." [Jiro]

"Yeah, it's been a long time, Mister Jiro." [Grey]

"Un! Nice to see you again, Mister Jiro!" [Yuna]

Greetings out of the way, the sound of footsteps soon echoed in the air as three sets of feet started to move once again. A slow and steady pace, moving left and right and through the busy streets, three figures set off to nowhere in particular.

The streets which were once full of panicking people were now calm and back to normal, the merchants selling their wares, the wagons heading back and forth, and the lively noises dancing in the air. It was as if everything was a passing daydream.

"Anyway, I didn't think I'd see you both again, and in Lista too of all places. Did you arrive here just recently?" [Jiro]

"Yeah. We just arrived yesterday. Though... I didn't think we'd get to see such an interesting sight so soon. It really took us by surprise." [Grey]

"Hahaha. Well, I was surprised quite a bit, too. I didn't think I would be welcomed that way as soon as I got back from my assignment. Really, it's been such a little tough this week. Hahaha." [Jiro]

Jiro ended his statement with a wry laugh, but it was worth taking note that it wasn't just a "little" rough. He had been tossed around from place to place to deal with a few problems the adventurers couldn't quite solve. It was a hell not many people could dare to imagine.

To top it all off, what greeted him home was news about a bunch of Sea Serpents rampaging near the ports. Yet despite the difficulties of the week, the man could still smile brightly. Quite an outstanding man if there ever was one.

"Mmn... I didn't know Mister Jiro was the Vice Guildmaster. I thought you'd already retired as an adventurer." [Yuna]

"Well, actually, I did... It's just that the previous Vice Guildmaster retired quite a while back and I kinda got dragged into all of this. And now, I've been dealing with odd jobs here and there." [Jiro]

"Odd jobs?" [Yuna]

"Yeah. You know monster subjugations, delivery of supplies, dealing with paperwork, and all that stuff. Odd jobs like those." [Jiro]

Odd jobs... It was quite the way to describe it, but Jiro was not wrong. Not only does he assist the Guildmaster with paperwork, he also deals with the unfinished quests every now and then, especially the higher ranked ones. In short, he's an adventurer with extra steps.

Well, even with the difficulties, he didn't complain about his work. After all, with the money he got from all the years he was active, he wasn't really in need of such a job. Jiro simply loves adventures just as much as Grey and Yuna do, be it paperwork or subjugations. He is ready to take them all on.

Of course, if there was anything he was aiming for in such a line of work, it was to become a role model for the other adventurers. Especially to his children, he wanted to be a father they can be proud of.

"Well, enough about me. You said you just arrived yesterday, correct?" [Jiro]

"Yeah. That's right." [Grey]

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