21 - Birthday Surprise

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(Y/N) buzzed the Nakano apartment.

"What?" came the usual response.

"Lemme up."


"Because you idiots need teaching."

"Ah! That hurt!"

"Then let me sugar-coat it," (Y/N) spoke slowly. "You need my help so you can pass this grade."

"Still pretty harsh."

"Truth hurts, Nino."

She sighed and unlocked the door.

(Y/N) exited the elevator into the Quints' apartment.

Nino immediately came to hug (Y/N).

"Nino!!" Yotsuba stomped her foot. "It's my job to greet (L/N)-san!"

Nino broke the hug to make a face at Yotsuba, then hugged him again.

(Y/N) patted Nino's head. "Thank you." He tried walking to get her to let go of him, but she held on.

"Nino, let go of me..."

Against his body, he could feel her head shaking.

"You don't mind being known as clingy?"

Her eyes widened as she stepped away and turned from (Y/N). He chuckled.

(Y/N) walked to the table, a bit sad that it would probably be the last time doing so.

He took out his books from his backpack and laid them on the table.


"Yes, (L/N)-san?" She came right away to his side.

"Go get the others, please."

"Roger that!" She saluted for a moment before dashing to the stairs.

(Y/N) looked at Nino. She was still facing her back to him with her arms crossed.



"What's the problem?"

"You called me clingy."


She suddenly turned back around and threw her arms down. "I'll never get a boyfriend if I'm clingy!"

"I think you have bigger problems than that..."

"But! I have great news!" She sat down across from him.

"Oh? Tell me."

"There's a guy I'm interested in!"

"Another one?"

"You don't count! My love for you is... it's..."

"...not the same?"

"Yeah, it's more... affectionate."

"What's the difference?"

"I dunevenknow... It just feels more like friends."

"Did you just friendzone yourself...?"

Nino rested her head on her palms. "Ah..."

"Thinking about your new boyfriend?"

"Yes! So, he's... he's so dreamy..."

"Lemme guess... bad boy that treats you badly?"

"Wh– How did you know?!"

"Lucky guess... what's his name?"

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