18 - "Superstitions are for Dummies", part 2

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A/N: yes, yes, I'm alive! I'm finally out of the hole that is the school trip arc. I don't know what it was about it, but I was so slow and uninterested in writing these two chapters, but oh well. they're done now. expect better (and faster) chapters soon!

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"Hey, Uesugi-san!"

"What is it, Yotsuba?"

"Did you hear about the dance around the bonfire?"

"What about it?"

"There's a legend that partners that are holding hands at the end are together f o r e v e r!" She raised and spread her hands at 'forever'.

"Please tell me you don't believe in that stuff."

"But of course! It'll make the dance so much more special."

"Superstitions are for dummies."

"Dummies? Uesugi-san, are you calling me a dummy?"


(Y/N) half-listened to their conversation as he ate his breakfast. They were in the car now, back on their way to the resort. The storm had cleared up from the night before, so the drive was going much more smoothly.

(Y/N) had woken up quite early that morning. In what felt like a hazy dream, he saw who he thought was Ichika making a move on Fuutarou. He decided that he didn't want to deal with that and closed his eyes for a bit longer.

(Y/N) opened his eyes again, and everyone seemed to be still asleep. He got up and, as gently and quietly as he could, navigated around and between them to get to the door. The inn had included coffee from their automatic coffee machine, so he grabbed some to wake himself up.

He was sipping his coffee when a slouching Ichika slowly walked in.

"Good morning."

"good morning" she said in a very sleepy voice.

"You're a coffee drinker?"

"enough" she said as she took a cup and put it under the machine.

"Makes sense, based on your sleep patterns."

"you drink too?"

"Coffee, yes."

The sound of pouring coffee filled the silence for a few seconds.

"So, Ichika... I thought I saw you doing stuff this morning."

"..." Ichika, still slouched over, looked up at (Y/N).

"Is there anything that needs explaining?"


"You sure?"

"i was just acting in the moment, i wasn't thinking..."

"I get it. You don't need to elaborate, I think I understand."

They drank their coffee in silence for a bit. When they went back to the room, the rest were awake. They quickly packed their stuff and got back on the road.

And this where the timelines intersect. They were in the limo, on the way to the resort.

"I don't know if I'll be able to handle the test of courage on my own...," Fuutarou thought aloud.

Yotsuba instantly raised her hand. "I'll help, Uesugi-san!"

"Oh, thank you, Yotsuba, I would really appreciate that."

"Of course!"

(Y/N) tapped Nino on the shoulder. "Nino, you're doing the cooking, right?"

She turned around. "No, surprisingly, but I'll probably take over since they won't know what they're doing."

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