13 - A Specially Sentimental Event, part 2

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A/N: wow, there's a little "K" next to the number of reads on this story now. I guess that means we've surpassed a thousand reads! thank you all so much, it really does mean a lot to me. I hope you continue to read and enjoy the story. farewell for now!

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[Nino and Fuutarou POV]

While (Y/N) and Ichika were talking, Nino was still dragging Fuutarou by the collar.

"This hurts, you know."

"I don't remember asking."

"Could you please let me go?"

"No. Now shut up."

"This is very uncomfortable, Nino."


"Do you really still hate me?"


"And what, exactly, did I do to deserve that?"

"I dunno... being a jerk, a doof, shameless, completely inconsiderate, and just existing in general, maybe?"

"I wouldn't consider myself that bad."

"I would."

It was kind of surprising that Nino and Fuutarou's relationship had not patched itself by then. To Nino's defense, Fuutarou was not that likeable, but the fact that she had not at all warmed up to him was a bit weird.

"Where are we even going?"

"To the building."

"What building?"

Nino stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh."

"What's the problem?"

"I didn't tell them the location, did I?"

"No, I don't remember you saying anything."

Nino sighed and reached into her pocket to retrieve her phone, letting go of Fuutarou's collar in the process. He stumbled onto his back.

Nino dialed a number. "Ichika, hi, so, um... I kinda forgot to tell you all that I rented this building so we could watch the fireworks together. It's that blue-painted building, three storeys, near the food stands. Could you spread the word?... Okay, thanks... Sorry... Bye."

Fuutarou rubbed his back from the fall. "You rented a building?"


"I thought you just said you did."

"Well, yes, I did, but it's none of your business. And you're not invited."

"So... the rest of you need to gather yourselves."


"And I assume you're not going to run around and gather them?"


"What initiative!"

"Hey, at least I'm not half-assing my tutoring job."

"I'm trying my best! And watch your language."

"Okay, doof."

Nino turned to a somewhat different direction and grabbed Fuutarou by the collar again.

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[Ichika and (Y/N) POV]

"Hey, (Y/N)-kun."


"Nino just called. She said that she booked us a building to watch the fireworks together."

"Aww, how sweet of her! I didn't see her as that type of person, to be honest."

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