20d - Fivefold Fulfillment: Miku

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Miku sat outside her building, playing on her phone.

(Y/N), ready to go, walked up to Miku and sat down next to her. She was playing that mobile game that they both played.

She paused and looked next to her. She was a bit startled to see (Y/N).

"Ah!– Oh, it's just you, (Y/N)."

"The one and only."

"Ready to go?"

"Yep." (Y/N) stood up and offered her his hand.

Miku slowly gave him her hand to help her up. "Thanks."

"Of course."

The two set off in the direction that Miku had guided (Y/N) to. It was fairly far, so they were walking for a while.

"Hey, Miku."


"I just want to say congrats on your tests."

"Oh, thank you."

"Yeah, of course. You did the best of all your sisters, actually. I just didn't want to tell you that to their faces."


"Was that unexpected?"

"A bit..."

"It was for Fuutarou, wasn't it?"


"I just hope, on behalf of him, that you're actually learning stuff."

"I am!"


At that moment, a museum came into view.

(Y/N) jokingly scoffed. "Psh, who'd want to go to a museum?"

Miku was a bit embarrassed. "I– Um– Actually..."

(Y/N) immediately felt bad. "Oh, did you want to go?"

"Kind of..."

"Ah, I see. I'm sorry. Let's go, then!"

She grinned.

Why would Miku want to go to a museum? I know she's good at history, but really?

Miku dragged him through the door. Apparently, he had stopped walking when he heard she wanted to go.

(Y/N) didn't have anything against museums, he just thought that they got boring fast. But this was a Japanese museum, so he could maybe learn something from the trip.

Before he knew it, they were in an exhibit about Japanese history. (Y/N) actually found it very interesting.

The museum had an authentic samurai suit for sale, funny enough. And while Miku looked at (Y/N) with her best puppy eyes, he was not willing to spend a million yen on it. They settled on a small samurai figurine instead.

Walking out of there, Miku was very happy. It wasn't extremely apparent on her face – nor in her voice – but she was smiling as much as was possible for her.

"Thank you, (Y/N)."

"My pleasure."

"Sorry for taking you to such a boring place."

"It wasn't boring! Sorry for dissing it before, it was actually very interesting."

"You know, there's another place I'd like to go."


"The arcade!"

(Y/N) shrugged but smiled. "You get to go where you want to go. Lead the way!"

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