20c - Fivefold Fulfillment: Ichika

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(Y/N) yawned as he exited the elevator of his building. He had just woken up a bit ago but decided to head straight to the Quints' building.

As he was barely approaching, he could see Ichika waving her arm high above her head.

She was calling, "(Y/N)-kun!!"

(Y/N) sped up to not keep her waiting. "Morning, Ichika!"

"Good morning, (Y/N)-kun! Boy, you slept in, didn't you?"

(Y/N) checked his watch. "It's only nine o'clock." He thought about it before realizing, "Right, yes, I guess I do usually wake up earlier than this. But you sure didn't sleep in."

"You're right" – she yawned – "I lost sleep for you." She inched her face closer to his. "How does that feel, (Y/N)-kun? A girl losing sleep for you?"

"Nice, I guess."

"C'mooonnn, that's it?"

"When you know it's not because of love, it loses a bit of its flattery."

"Hey, who says it wasn't for love?"

"Aren't you still after Fuutarou?"

"I dunno, I'm starting to give up on him. Since you've started tutoring us on your own, I haven't felt as attracted to him, probably since I'm not seeing him as much."

By this point, they had started walking, towards wherever Ichika was going.

"Sorry to hear that... I guess? You don't sound very sad about it."

"I'm not, it was rather a dumb crush when I think about it."

"I can see why you liked him, though. Smart, handsome (enough), and dense – which some people like."

"Yeah, oh well... Hey, do you want a coffee?" Ichika asked, pointing to the coffee shop behind her.

"Do you come here often?"

"Yeah, this is my go-to coffee place."

"Sure. I can pay, if you want."

"No, it's fine. I'll pay for this, my treat," she smiled.

"Hehe." (Y/N) looked at her for a second. "I love your genuine smile, Ichika."

She blushed a bit. "Oh, thank you..."

"I'll take an iced coffee, thanks."

"Sure, be right out."

Ichika came back with a vanilla latte and (Y/N)'s iced coffee.

"Thanks, Ichika. This ought to wake me up a bit."

They took a turn and walked for a kilometre or so before coming to their destination.

"Ta-daa!!" Ichika spread her arms, showing (Y/N) the front of the building. "The cinema!"

"Oh, you're taking me for a movie? How nice!"

"It's a special movie, you'll see," she winked.

The two entered the building, and (Y/N) paid for two tickets to the movie Ichika picked. It happened to be playing at 9:30 – very soon – so they bought tickets and rushed in.

(Y/N) sneaked out at some point to get some popcorn. He bought a large-sized bucket hoping Ichika would have some, and she did.

They were enjoying the movie. (Y/N) had never actually been to a movie theatre in Japan since arriving there a year ago, so it was a new experience for him. He was expecting the unexpected, but was surprised when one particular scene started.

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