5 - After School

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A/N: okay just a warning, this one's very short (I was probably tired that day). but I hope you enjoy it anyway! it's building up to chapter 6, which is the first session, so that should be more exciting :)

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(Y/N) had just finished packing his bag for the day. He was about to leave when he remembered he had to meet Fuutarou.

(Y/N) made his way to the front doors. But, he was still new to the school, so...

he got lost.

Well, kind of. Let's just say he took the scenic route. He ended up going around the school to the front doors. And on the way, he passed the vending machine.

There was a girl there. She seemed to be searching her pockets for something. She pulled them inside out, yet there was nothing inside of them. She put them back in and sighed.

Hm... I could go for another iced tea, actually.

(Y/N) changed his course a little and stopped at the vending machine. He pulled out a hundred-yen coin and put it in. He firmly pressed the button for iced tea.

While the can came tumbling down the machine, (Y/N) looked over at the girl. She was glaring at him with what looked like envy.

"Um... may I help you, miss?" he asked politely.

"Huh? Oh, no, it's fine. Sorry. I was buying a can of matcha soda, but I didn't bring any money. I guess I was just a little jealous."

"Matcha, you say?"

"Yeah, I know. Not very original."

(Y/N) fished in his pocket and pulled out another hundred-yen coin. He put it in and pressed the button for matcha.

He waited a second, then reached for the fallen can. He retrieved it and offered it to the girl.

She just looked at him, surprised.

"Th-Thank you...," she said, taking the can.

She examined it in her hands.

"B-But... why?" she asked herself.

"I believe that what you put out into the world always comes back to you," (Y/N) flashed her a smile.

"So... you're doing it for self-gain?" She pouted.

(Y/N) shook his hands in denial. "No! No... It's just..." He sighed.

"Let me rephrase that," he continued. "Jesus said for us to give to people without expecting anything back."

She nodded her head in interest. "You're not Japanese, are you?"

"Nope. How could you tell?"

"Very few Japanese people are Christian."

"Oh. Good to know, maybe I should start preaching more," (Y/N) laughed, looking up.

The girl seemed to be done with the conversation, because she raised the blue headphones she apparently had on the entire time and covered her ears. She pulled out her phone and tapped a couple of times before putting it away again.

(Y/N) looked at her again. She ignored him. He just shrugged and went back on his way to meet Fuutarou.

(Y/N) managed to find his way to the front doors from the vending machine. He found Fuutarou walking to the doors at the same time.

"Yo!" (Y/N) called out.

Fuutarou saw him and started walking towards him.

(Y/N) held out a fist for Fuutarou to fist bump, but Fuutarou just high-fived it. (Y/N) facepalmed. Fuutarou seemed confused of why.

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