2 - A New Residence

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"I expected it to be a little more..."

"Interesting? Full? Colourful?"

"All of the above, I guess. But the furniture is arriving tomorrow, so it should be better then."

The apartment was pretty bland. For a newly bought apartment, though, that made sense. There weren't really supposed to be many things in it.

"Is there a bed?" Ally asked, full of hope.

They looked around, trying to find the bedrooms.

"Over here!" (Y/N) called her.

She darted over to find... two standalone mattresses. On the floor, by themselves.

Her shoulders sank, as did her hope.

"Hey, at least there's two of them!" (Y/N) tried to be optimistic.


"Well... unpack your stuff, I guess. We're gonna be here for a while."

~ + ~

"Bro, thank goodness there's Wi-Fi!" (Y/N) said as he checked his phone for nearby networks.

"Yeah, I don't think we'd be alright without it," Ally agreed.

"I mean, we have data, but data has a maximum."

"Yes, yes, but now we need to address the problem at hand - what's for dinner?"

Ally was right. It was a problem at hand. It was 6:30 - not particularly late for Asians to eat, but to get to the place, to order the food, to wait for the food, to get the food... that would all take a bit of time.

"Eh. Heard there was a good burger place nearby."

Ally gasped. "How close??"

"Like, around the corner."

She gasped more loudly. "Really?!"

"I believe so, let me double-check...," (Y/N) said, pulling out his phone once again.

"Yep," he confirmed, "it's a four-minute walk. Just a bit past that scarily big condo building."

"Oh yeah, that one. I saw it as we were driving here," Ally pretended to get a chill.

"Shall we head over there, then?"

"Sure! Just don't forget your card."

(Y/N) had been given a credit card by his parents specifically for use in Japan.

"Got it."

Despite it being late in the evening, it was moderately sunny outside. There was a slight breeze, blowing the newly bloomed cherry blossoms from their trees.

"Tempura?" Ally asked (Y/N).

"Yep, that's it."

They walked in and heard a little sound of a bell. A young man spoke up from behind the counter.

"Welcome to Tempura! The menus are on that table," he pointed. "Order when you're ready. You can take a table, too, if you like."

"Thank you!" (Y/N) made sure to mimic the Japanese's politeness.

While (Y/N) and Ally were looking over the menu, a woman walked in. Well... a young woman.

"Welcome to Tempura! The menus are on that table," the man repeated. "Order when you're ready. You can take a table, too, if you like."

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