20a - Fivefold Fulfillment

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A/N: hey everyone. I have a bit of a grand idea for this chapter, more details are at the end. enjoy the prologue :)

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(Y/N) ringed up the Nakanos' apartment.

"What do you want, doof?"

"We have studying to do."

"Ugh. Fiiine, but only because Uesugi isn't with you."

The door buzzed open. (Y/N) flung it open and called the elevator. On his way up, he was thinking about how this session would go. It was the first session he was doing alone, and he was a bit nervous.

"Welcome, (L/N)-san!!" Yotsuba ran and hugged (Y/N).

He patted her back and returned the hug. "Thank you, Yotsuba. I'm happy to see you, too."

(Y/N) took his seat at the table and was surprised to see them all there. "You guys really couldn't wait at all, could you?"

Nino came in from the kitchen with a tray with six glasses of water. She placed them all on the table. "Welcome back. They missed you."

"You missed me."

"A-And if I did?!"

"Knew it."

Nino pouted but sat down. "Whatever. Let's get started."

"Alright. I want to see what you guys need help with," (Y/N) said as he took out a stack of papers from his bag. "There's a short package for each of you. It covers the primary concepts that are gonna be on every class' next test – which are all during this coming week, for some reason. For each, there's an explanation and a sample question. If you don't understand something, let me know and I will help. This isn't a test of knowledge, just a test of what needs attention. Capiche?"

The girls blinked in response to the foreign word.

"Capiche, it means 'understand', kinda. So 'capiche?' would be like 'do you understand?'."

The girls reluctantly nodded.

"Anyway, get working. Depending on how work, I may have to entice you guys with a reward. But I trust that you won't make me have to do that."

The girls' ears perked up at the sound of a reward.

Dang, I shouldn't have mentioned anything. Of course, now, they're going to want the reward anyway.

They worked with full focus for an hour, which was a record for them. At that moment, though, Yotsuba's curiosity got the better of her, and she asked (Y/N) about the reward.



"What's the reward?"

(Y/N) sighed. "I can tell you only after you finish your work. But trust me, it'll be worth it."

"So you'll give us the reward?!"

Wait! I have an idea! "Yes, but only if you pass every single test."

Every single test?! the girls thought. That's crazy! How're we supposed to do that?

"50 percent or more."

50 percent?!

"I know it sounds intimidating, but I think with adequate preparation, you can all do it. And then also get your reward after."

The five felt a new willingness to pass. A new eagerness to do well.

"So do well, and I will reward you."

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