Important Info & Credits

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First off, I would like to give some credit to:

Lessi for not really judging me for being a QQ weeb + helping (more details in the FAQ)

Negi Haruba for the amazing story. I take no credit for the basis of the story. all characters except for my OC(s) are created by him. i'm doing this because i legally have to but yeah, thanks, my guy

here's a brief list of all the stuff you may need to know to enjoy this story to its fullest:

- this story is based on the Quintessential Quintuplets manga and anime by Negi Haruba. don't worry, I won't spoil the manga (I haven't even read it yet myself), but there may be a couple of things from the anime included, so be warned.

- i am Niko-kun. if you see any references to a "Niko-kun" anywhere, that's me. (hello!)

- (Y/N) = your name. (L/N) = your last name. (F/N) = your full name. replace them with your respective names for the full immersive experience.

- QQ = abbreviation for Quintessential Quintuplets.

- this is going to be mostly original. obviously, the characters are from the manga/anime, but the scenarios and time frames might be somewhat/completely different, or totally original (depending on the scenario). keep that in mind and don't harass me for doing things differently.

- (F/N), as a character, is technically an OC (original character, for those who don't know), although I made the base for his development similar to my personality (just for simplicity and convenience). sorry if it doesn't fit you, but you can't make a character fit all the readers' personalities anyway.

- I am Canadian. it may seem irrelevant but I spell my words 'weirdly' for you Americans (e.g. 'colour', 'sulphur', but I use the American spelling for words like 'realize')

- point of view is 3rd person unless otherwise stated.

- you can assume italicized thoughts are (Y/N)'s, unless otherwise stated.

- "- = + = -" is my 'full stop' page break. i use it when transitioning to a completely different scene or time. "~ + ~" is my 'partial stop' page break. i use it when transitioning to a different but similar scene or time. it is usually just a few minutes of a break, compared to "- = + = -", which could be hours.

And there's one thing that I need to put here because it's too important for the bullet points: do not expect a schedule. I know it's disappointing, not seeing the story updated consistently, but I will do my best to post chapters every [whatever amount of time]. I'm not saying I'll often go on hiatus (at least I hope I won't), but due to school and family and other things to do, I may not be able to update the story consistently. I have a life outside of writing a QQ fanfic, so it occasionally may be difficult to afford the time to write. I hope to post a chapter every one to two weeks, but it will really depend. Sorry for any inconvenience or sadness this causes.

Oh, and one last thing: I am not making a harem ending. I don't care how much you try to convince me, I don't care what you say. I am a man of morals and a servant of God, and harems go against both of those. Sorry, not sorry.

With all that said, enjoy the story!

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