16 - Midterms

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On the scale of stressful things throughout a student's year, midterms rank second, only to finals. They're very stressful and put immense pressure on students to do well in the second half of the year if they don't do well on them. And the worst part – they start today.

(well, not literally today, but today in the story... you get the idea)

(Y/N) was gleefully skipping his way through the school. He had studied plenty, so he was ready. He was only worried because he didn't know how exams in Japan would go.

He was taking the long route to the classroom, since he was rather early. And by complete chance, he stumbled upon the Quintuplets.

"Oh, good morning, girls! I hope you're all ready."

Yotsuba was the first to talk to (Y/N). "(L/N)-san! Since Nino slept with you on Friday night, she hasn't been able to stop talking about it."

Nino turned bright red. (Y/N) looked around and, luckily, didn't see anyone in the hallway. He looked back at Nino, who looked like she wanted to explode and take out Yotsuba with her.

(Y/N) nervously laughed. "Heh, that's nice."

Nino, now completely red, slowly raised her notebook to cover her face.

(Y/N) whispered to Nino, "Nino, don't hold it against yourself. You can just pretend it never happened."

She peeked from behind the book and nodded just a bit.

"Anyway, doesn't the first exam start in only a couple of minutes? We should get going, then." (Y/N) turned from the girls and left for the classroom.

Ichika put her face next to Nino's. "Say, Nino... Do you like (Y/N)-kun?"

"W-What?! What are you saying, Ichika?" Nino pulled the 'I-don't-know-what-you're-talking-about' card.

"You know what I'm saying, Nino. I haven't seen you this red since you found out that Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus are the same person."

"Y-Yeah, well, that time I was just being dumb!"

"And this time you weren't?"

"This was a decision that I made, and looking back, I am extremely embarrassed about. I'm not red because I l-like (Y/N)...," she argued, even though she stumbled on 'like'.

"First name basis now, I see?"

Nino didn't even realize that she had called (Y/N) by his first name. "I-I... No, I can't like him, he's, like, the opposite of my type."

"There's nothing wrong with wanting to try something new."

"I. Don't. Like him! Can we please move on?"

"You're the one dragging it out."

"Oh, right, yeah, now it's my fault."

They continued bickering as they came to their classrooms. Since they were in separate classes, they dropped each other off.

Itsuki was walking to her classroom, which was the same as (Y/N)'s and Fuutarou. She looked up and saw (Y/N) walking, too, in front of her. She sped up her pace to meet him.


"Oh, hi, Itsuki." (Y/N) was a bit startled.

"(L-N)-kun, tell me... do you think I'm ready for the exam?" She looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Itsuki...," (Y/N) looked at her. "I'm sure you'll be perfectly fine. As long as you studied, which I know you did."

"Yeah, I'm just a little... nervous, I guess."

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