20f - Fivefold Fulfillment: Nino

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A/N: big news at the end, so read it all (please)

btw I had planned to do a prologue (20g) but halfway through this, I was like "you know what? screw that" and put it in here. enjoy :)

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"Bye, Ally!" (Y/N) waved at her, backing out of the door. He closed the door, still looking at it. He turned around and was startled by a cross-armed Nino right in front of him.

"Oh, Nino, you scared me!"

She pouted. "That's no way to greet a girl."

"Just because I'm taking you somewhere doesn't mean I have to treat you as a queen."

"Yet you should! It's disrespectful otherwise."

"Okay then... My apologies, Queen Nino." (Y/N) bowed sarcastically.

"Hmph. That's better."

"But you do know that queens have to pay for their own–"

"Not this one."

(Y/N) sighed. "Let's just go."

The two walked down the street.

"Hey, Nino?"


"Why did you want to meet so late?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's past 7 o'clock. How much time do you expect to spend with me when it's this late?"

"Why," – she switched to a childish voice – "does the baby have an eight-o'clock bedtime? Oh, you poor thing–"

"Save it."

She switched back to her normal (teasing) voice. "Don't act like you don't want to spend time with me."

"I– um, sure let's leave it at that..."

Nino suddenly changed her tone. "You're so fun to tease, (Y/N). Uesugi's so boring, would've just been angry. That idiot."

"So he's smart, yet an idiot?"

"Idiocy isn't just unintelligence."

"Those are wise words, coming from you."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

(Y/N) cleared his throat. "So... Where were you planning to take me?"

"I'm not taking you anywhere."


"You're taking me."

"So where are we going??"

She smiled sadistically. "You'll find out. I think you'll like it."

~ + ~

"I'm not liking this very much."

"At least be a good sport about it, then."

"We're in the lingerie section of Victoria's Secret. I don't belong here."

(Y/N) was right. They were, in fact, in a Victoria's Secret.

"Did we even have to come here?"

"Yes! My old stuff is garbage at this point."

"And why do you need me for this?"

"So you can tell me how it looks on me."

(Y/N)'s face crimsoned. "Wait– like... I...?"


He turned away. "I'm sorry, Nino, I can't do that..."

"Why? Y'have a girlfriend?"

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