19a - Gone for Good

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A/N: thank you all for your patience. writing is not as high on my priority list as it originally was, but I try my best to update often for you guys :)

without further ado, enjoy the start of the hot spring arc!

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"Midterm results?"

"That is what I said."

"Why do we need to meet with them for that?"

"You said that you'd be fired if they failed, right?"



Fuutarou threw his arms down. "Of course they did! Those idiots can't get themselves together."

"Hey, you tried your best."

"Those dumb girls!!"

"Hey, hey, don't get angry."

"Why shouldn't I be? I was tasked to help them with their studies. To help them succeed. And even after countless hours of my – and your – hard work, they fail! How's that supposed to make me feel?!"

"Fuutarou. Don't raise your voice; you're sick. But as for what you said... Don't let it get to you. You did all that you could and more. You shouldn't feel unaccomplished. If they don't want to try, it's their problem."

"Whatever. I think I'm feeling good enough to meet today."

"Great. I'll let them know. How does 6 sound?"

"Sounds good."

"Alright. See ya then."


~ + ~

(Y/N) threw the papers face down onto the Quints' table and sighed. "No offense, but you guys could have done better."

The girls looked down, presumably from shame.

(Y/N) picked the papers back up and gave them to Fuutarou. "You can give them their results."

Fuutarou took the papers. He looked at the marks and instantly went into a coughing fit.

(Y/N) firmly tapped his back to help him stop. "Maybe that gives you five an indication of how you did."

Fuutarou gave one big cough before clearing his throat and reading out their marks. "Ichika – passed math, failed the rest. Nino – passed English, failed the rest. Miku – passed socials, failed the rest. Yotsuba – passed Japanese, failed the rest. And Itsuki – passed science, failed the rest." Fuutarou let the papers fall onto the table underneath.

Fuutarou paused to read the Quints' expressions. They all seemed pretty despondent. "You five really didn't try at all."

Nino suddenly stood up. "Oh yeah? I'd like to see your marks to see who you are to judge us."

Fuutarou dug into his pocket and gave her a crumpled sheet of paper. She uncrumpled it and read the numbers. "O-One hundred? On everything?!"

Fuutarou looked at her and blinked. She threw the paper in his face.

(Y/N) reached into his pocket and pulled out his results. He put them out in front of him. "Do you need my credentials, too?"

"Hmph." Nino grabbed the paper from him and looked it over. "See, Uesugi, at least low nineties show that (L/N) actually has a life outside of studying," she glared at Fuutarou.

Near the end of her sentence, her phone rang from her pocket. She answered and sat back down. "Hi... Yes, he's here, do you want to talk– ...oh, okay. If you want it from me..." – she falsely sighed – "We each passed one subject and failed the rest..." – she suddenly smiled – "Okay, I'll tell him. Thanks. Bye."

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