Chapter 217: The Vast Blue Sea

Start from the beginning

Crabs, snails, starfishes, turtles, and the seagulls above. The beach wasn't void of life either. As the waters sparkled, as the two could see was a blue paradise. They could only admire the beautiful scenery in silence.

Yuna was frozen, not moving a single inch as her silver hair fluttered in the wind and her blue eyes were glued to the similarly blue sea. A light chuckle could be heard as Grey fawned over his adorable girlfriend.

"Yuna~ Yuna~ Yuna~" [Grey]

She was so frozen, in fact, that she couldn't even hear a single word of what Grey was saying, only looking at the sea. Though Grey was happy that she liked the sea, he was also a little hurt that Yuna wasn't answering him.

Well, there was no other way but to take back the frozen princess. Only a single way popped up inside Grey's head, one he couldn't help but do. It was necessary, after all. Yep, it was necessary, not a single ulterior motive in his mind.

A mischievous smile on his face, Grey slowly leaned closer towards Yuna, and as playfully as one can be, he pecked her soft and rosy cheeks with his lips, a soft sensation pressing on him.

"G-Grey?! Wh-What are you doing?!" [Yuna]

Like a sleeping, fairy tale princess woken up by her prince charming's kiss, as soon as Grey pecked her cheeks, Yuna quickly came back to reality, blushing profusely like an innocent little girl, her eyes filled with surprise and confusion as he backed off a little distance away.

Meanwhile, Grey was only chuckling to himself as he watched various expressions unfold over Yuna's pretty face. The sulking young man was no more, only a happy youth left, eyes filled with warmth and joy.

"It's because you were frozen. I had no other choice." [Grey]

"What do you mean you have no other choices?! You just wanted to tease and kiss me, didn't you?" [Yuna]

"Hahaha, you got me, you got me, But is there something wrong with a man wanting to kiss his lovely girlfriend?" [Grey]

"Uuu... No... There's nothing wrong with it..." [Yuna]

Yuna tried to retort but she was quickly outwitted by Grey. After all, it wasn't the first time they kissed or anything of the sort. She just got embraced because it suddenly came out of nowhere. She had no time to prepare her heart.

"Well, enough about the kiss and all... What do you think of my surprise? The sea, I mean..." [Grey]

"Eh? Don't tell me..." [Yuna]

"Yeah, I planned it quite some time ago. It took me quite a while to prepare and some help from Fritz, but I'm glad we're finally here. Do you like it?" [Grey]

Judging from Yuna's expressions, Grey already knew what Yuna's answer would be, but he still wanted to hear it directly from her mouth. His eyes were beaming with expectations as he looked at her warmly.

As for Yuna... Well, there was no need to ask. She had no idea at all that Grey was working so hard just to surprise her, and standing in that moment now, she could only feel happiness, a bright yet gentle smile blooming on her face like spring blossoms.

"Un... I like it, but..." [Yuna]

"But...?" [Grey]

"But I like Grey more. I love you." [Yuna]

A radiant and beautiful smile. Such was how Yuna ended her statement. Combine it with the perfect scenery behind her and the sea breeze blowing ever so gently, yet another picturesque picture was engraved deep into Grey's mind.

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