Chapter 215: A Warm Welcome

Start from the beginning

"Please raise your heads, everyone. We're also more than grateful for your warm hospitality, but..." [Grey]

"I... Is there something not to your liking, Your Highness?" [Leader]

"Ah, no... It's just... Is everyone here going to escort us?" [Grey]

Asked Grey as his and Yuna's eyes swam towards the knights behind the leader. There weren't just two or three, but more than a dozen. Not only that, each one was equipped with armor, their trusty weapons by their sides.

Anyone seeing such a large number of knights escorting them would surely think they are important people. Of course, the attention they'll receive would be ungodly. They wanted to avoid such a troublesome situation as much as possible.

"Yes... That's what His Excellency, the Marquess, instructed us to. Is... something the matter with it, Your Highness?" [Leader]

"Well, we aren't really fond of too much attention, you see. If possible, we'd only like a few knights to escort us." [Grey]

"Un... It's a little burdensome, after all. The fewer, the better. Ah, and no carriages, please. We'd love to take our time around the city" [Yuna]

"I see... I understand. I'll make sure to accommodate your request." [Leader]

Fortunately, the knights were quite understanding. As soon as he heard their worries, the leader headed towards the knights and huddled them up. It was good that he was acting quick, it's just that... What happened next was something neither Grey nor Yuna expected.

As soon as they huddled up, the knights quickly started playing rock-paper-scissors against one another, and like children, some despaired as soon as they lost. It wasn't long before one knight one, a large smile beaming on his face,

What were they competing against, one might ask? It was simple. They just wanted to get the chance to escort the fabled Heroes of Alfrione. Everyone was very envious of the young knight who won the competition.

"Your Highnesses, this is Clyde. He may be young, but his abilities are excellent, I'm sure he'll be of great assistance to you." [Leader]

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Your Highnesses. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need something." [Clyde]

"A-Ah... Yes... We'll be in your care, too." [Grey]

Sparkly. Too sparkly. Such was the eyes of the young knight as he looked at Grey and Yuna. Though the two were happy that some people are looking up to them, it could be a little burdensome sometimes. The expectations were too much.

"Then, would it be fine if I dismiss the knights now, Your Highness?" [Leader]

"Yes. Everything's more than enough. Thank you." [Grey]

"Everyone, continue the good work!" [Yuna]

Just a couple statements from Grey and Yuna, and the knights which once looked dejected quickly sprang back up to life. It was as if their energies were boosted, eyes sparkling as they looked at the two with eyes full of admiration.

It wasn't lomb before the knights were finally dismissed after bowing their heads once again before scattering throughout the city walls and heading back to their stations. Only three figures remained, one of them with eyes still sparkling brightly.

"Then, shall we head to the mansion now, Sir Clyde?" [Grey]

"Yes! Please leave everything to me, Your Highnesses!" [Clyde]

Excited as one can be, Clyde straightened his back and proudly reassured Grey and Yuna with his words. Soon enough, he then led the two through the gates and inside the city, a wonderful and lively scenery greeting them.

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