thirty eight

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1 March 2021

"I can't believe we are actually awake right now

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"I can't believe we are actually awake right now." Niall mumbles from the other side of the kitchen, sitting at the table with a cup of coffee.

"We've got to get the surprise ready before Posie wakes up and she gets up at seven." I walk over to him and sit in the chair opposite.

It's currently half six, we've been up for about thirty minutes preparing a birthday surprise for Posie.

Harry's up making pancake batter ready for breakfast while Niall has been helping me sort out cages.

I was in bed with Harry two nights ago and I couldn't sleep. He was desperately trying to stay awake so I wasn't alone and we were talking about Posie's birthday.

I mentioned about getting not only her but Capri as well a pet so they could learn a bit about responsibility. They'll be getting a baby sibling soon and I want them to be able to feel like they have their own babies in a way.

He nodded along, whether he was actually listening or not I don't know but we went out yesterday and picked out some stuff from the pet store.

We decided on bunnies for the girls. They've always wanted a bunny and Harry agreed they were the best option for our family, he's getting someone to come over and build a home for them in the garden.

So today when the girls are awake and ready for the day we are going out to pick some bunnies, Harry found a place that had some rescue babies. Apparently the mumma rabbit had loads of babies that need homes and I didn't want to go to a pet store.

"I'm going to have such a good nap later." He yawns, lifting his mug to take a few sips of the coffee.

Harry laughs from the other side of the room, "Addie will be joining you for that." He comments, making me roll my eyes.

"Growing another human is hard work, I'd like to see you try and do it." I turn my head to raise my brows at him and he smirks at me over his shoulder.

That stupid fucking smirk.

I look back at Niall who's smiling, resting his broken arm on the table which shows off everyone's signatures all over it.

Posie and Capri were immediately loving the idea that Uncle Niall's cast was basically a fun, new sheet of paper and so when handed black sharpies went crazy all over it.

I signed it as well, Harry joined in because he felt left out and then when Niall went home Amelia signed it. I think Niall now treasures his cast, he wants to keep it after it's been taken off so he can keep all the drawings the girls did on it.

"Can't believe Posie's already seven." Harry speaks softly, he was there when I met her for the first time the day she was born.

We flew out to Italy when Matteo told me she'd been born, we rushed to the hospital and I got to hold my little niece for the first time. I loved her immediately, I never wanted to leave and really considered staying in Italy.

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