thirty four

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14 February 2021

"Alright, careful with the icing Cece

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"Alright, careful with the icing Cece. We don't want too much on there." I instruct Capri, my hand covering hers on the end of a knife that's loaded with light pink icing.

"Mumma said loads of icing on hers please." She informs me, reaching into the bowl again to double the amount on the end of the knife.

I watch it all balance on it, Capri slowly bringing out from over the bowl and towards the heart shaped sugar cookies us and Posie made earlier.

It's Valentine's day today, the one day of the year that Addie can't tell me I'm being too needy or loving on her too much. She knows that's the rule.

"Did she now?" I chuckle, helping her get the icing down to the cookie before she shoos me away so she can ice it independently.

"Mhm." She hums, uninterested in continuing the conversation with me and more focused on icing the cookie for her Mumma.

Her Mumma who cried this morning because I gave her a bunch of daffodils and she wasn't expecting it.

She's struggling at the moment with a lot of things and it's hard to watch because I know there isn't much I can do to help other than be there to support her.

I wish I could wrap my arms around her, hide her against my body and protect her from her anxieties. She finds security and safety in my arms and I wish they were a permanent solution to helping her.

Sadly, what she wants protection from is her own mind.

I turn to look at Posie who's humming to herself while she ices her little batch of cookies with red icing that she made all by herself. "How're you getting on, Sunflower?" I ask her softly, watching her tongue poke out in concentration just like Addie does.

"Um, good." I look down at her cookies, she's done a really good job of icing them and that's probably why she's been so quiet and keeping to herself.

"Oh, they look so good!" I compliment them, kissing her temple which makes her giggle and lift the only cookie up that's got heart shaped sprinkles on, gesturing for me to take it.

"You keep it, baby, it's your cookie. Daddy has his own ones to ice." I don't want her to give me one of hers when I have my own, she's extremely giving and sweet. "I'm going to go check on Mumma, no food fights until I get back." I give them both a pointed look, Capri giggling away.

I head into the living room to check on Addie, she's fast asleep on the sofa completely exhausted even though she got a full night's sleep last night.

When she fell asleep I found Posie pulling a blanket over her body to make sure she stayed warm, my heart actually melted at the sight.

Addie's aversions to certain foods have gotten bad recently, butter is a complete no go unless it's in something like cookies. Chicken is a big one, like the look of raw chicken so it's banned in our home now due to her aversion.

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