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We're almost back home when my phone buzzes in my lap, Harry glancing over briefly with furrowed brows

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We're almost back home when my phone buzzes in my lap, Harry glancing over briefly with furrowed brows. When I don't go to check it immediately he speaks up, "what if Posie needs you?"

I flip my phone over in my lap, seeing I do have a message from Anne but also one from Jax that he must have been typing out earlier when Harry replied.

Jax: I saw the pictures, you're out with a singer you lying bitch.

"Um... Harry?" I speak quietly, glancing over at him as he pulls into my driveway.

"Yeah? Is everything okay?" He looks over at me with a worried frown on his face, eyes darting between mine.

I turn the phone around to show him the message, his jaw clenched as he grinds his teeth together while he reads what Jax has sent me.

"There's pictures? Did you see anyone take any?" I ask him, his eyes going to mine as he looks at me under his brows.

"I'd have told you if I did, it must have been someone in the restaurant." He takes my phone from my hands and begins to furiously type out a reply, honestly I don't really care what he writes.

I watch him, thinking about what pictures they got. They must have captured Harry and I very clearly for Jax to have been able to see it's me, "do you think the pictures are online?"

He looks over at me, he looks sad. "Yeah." His voice is a quiet whisper, "if they've spread around twitter there's no doubt there are already articles floating around. Is your instagram private because as soon as they figure out who you are they'll find you?"

I nod, "yeah I have a private one that I post the girls on but one for myself that's public. There's nothing about the girls on it, I don't care if they find me, it'll just give me more followers." I laugh, Harry squinting his eyes at me while handing my phone back to me.

"I don't want them being horrible to you because they were horrible to Marla and I wasn't even dating her." He sighs, "she kind of deserved it but it never made it okay."

I reach over to him, placing my hand on his bicep to try and comfort him in any way I can without making him uncomfortable. "I don't care about what anyone says about me, only the people that I love."

Becoming a mother has made me a lot more resilient to what other people say, it still hurts when I hear it but I've learnt over time to ignore it.

There's always comments coming from parents at Posie's school, whispering about me being a single mother and some of Posie's friends have overheard what their parents say, then relaying things to P who gets upset.

I'm surprised Harry didn't get bombarded by all the mothers at school.

"Ready to head inside?" He offers, he looks apprehensive but we both know that if we ever want to get past the past we need to discuss it and clear everything up.

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