You Done Lost Your MF Mind

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JoJo🥰❤️: I ain't even gotta be mad at you, you causing your own drama once again. Good luck with that.

Teegan smacked her teeth at the message and returned her attention to Lisa holding her baby. "What's his name?" Lisa asked glancing at Rain. "I was thinking of naming him Adonis Bryson Kahuna." Rain stated like she was deep in thought. "You done lost your mutha fucking mind!" Everyone's attention turned to the door where Bryson stood looking furious holding a large bouquet of Calla Lillys, a huge dark brown teddy and the orange and white diaper bag on his shoulder. "Bryson, baby...umm..I was gonna talk to you...." He put everything down on the counter and washed his hands quickly. He walked over to Lisa and took the baby from her before informing the two women that him and Rain needed privacy. Lisa stood there as if she were in shock. Torian grabbed her things, kissed Rain on the forehead and ushered Lisa out with her. Rain got up out the bed and sat on the recliner and reached for the baby. "I wanna hold him, they've been hogging him from me." Bryson stared at her for a minute, before doing as she asked. He had so many things he wanted to say to her all at once. Her ran his hand down his face and took a deep breath. "I honestly don't even have words for how I feel right now, but I will say that you should think long and hard before you answer my questions." Rain had unsnapped the right side of the hospital gown and began breastfeeding the baby. Bryson waited until she acknowledged him to make sure he had her full attention. "Let me just say first I apologize for you finding out that way." She stated when she finally looked up at him. It was hard for her, because she felt a internal pull to look into her babies eyes when she fed him. She knew that was her mother instinct kicking in to bond with him. "Please...don't say anymore. Just answer my questions real quick." She looked back down at the baby. He gripped her pointer finger and she held his small hand in hers gently. Seeing the exchange between Rain and "his son" calmed his anger. "Who called her?" He asked calmly grabbing a chair and positioning it directly in front of her. " She called me to check on me and I told her I had the baby, so she asked if she could come by to see him." Teegan raised her head to address his question, she didn't want him to think she was being dismissive. Her eyes looked tired and her voice sound as if she was worn out. "So obviously you've made the decision to allow Lisa in his life. Ok..I get that" He put his hands up as if he were showing her he surrender. "But....You can't honestly believe it was a good decision to name him after that mutha fucka and then slide my name in there, like a second thought!" He closed his eyes and sat back breathing deeply through his nose and exhaled dramatically, in an attempt to refrain from arguing with her around the baby. He believed in keeping children "out of grown folks business" and that starts with not arguing around them. "Bryson I know Adonis really didn't show his best self in the end, but after losing him and Dutchess Lisa is devastated and heartbroken. She was so excited to hear I was having her grandson, I felt like it would honor her." Rain wiped at her tears that were falling stubbornly. She remembered the conversation her, Adonis, Lisa and Dutchess had the first time she thought she was pregnant and they were all excited about the possibility of it being a boy. When she found out she wasn't pregnant her Adonis decided to try again. She shook her head as she recalled how she ended up losing the baby once found she was pregnant. Her Adonis had been through so much, her memories about him were always bitter sweet. "What about honoring yourself and the future we plan to share. Why would you think giving him a namesake would be a good idea. You would seriously want to be reminded of that man and all that he put you through every time you address your son? You didn't even  consider giving him my last name" Bryson shook his head and sat foward resting his forearms on his knees and intertwined his fingers. "Mannn....I told you I would be there regardless and I meant that. As much as you will allow I will be there for the baby, but babygirl this feels too much like you holding on to him cause you were still in love." He said sadly standing up. "He's not even alive anymore, so I can't see this being an issue." Maybe it was her hormones, but even admitting outloud that he was dead hurt her and make her begin to cry harder. Bryson grabbed the things her brought her and placed them on the window ledge and bent down to kiss the baby head and her forehead. "Babygirl...I'm sorry, it doesn't sit right. And the fact that I have so much love for you and the baby I can't continue this conversation while your feeding him. I don't wanna be responsible for bringing negative energy while your bonding. I gotta go, I'll call you later." Rain tried to get herself together. He was right, she didn't need to be stressed while feeding her baby, but it felt like she was losing Bryson and it was like a knife being stabbed in her heart. "BABY please, you know I love YOU!" She put emphasis on the word you trying to get her point across to him. Nodding his head "Yeah" he answered simply and walked out the room, leaving her to her thoughts.


I don't know about y'all, but I feel like it's about time Bryson spoke up on that subject. But is it too late for Rain, has she lost him?

It seems like Johanna take everything so personally, she stay in her feelings about something.

Is Rain wrong for wanting to name the baby after it's father and letting Lisa be apart of his life?

Thanks for reading and as always don't forget to vote, comment and share

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