Chapter 1

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The Nemesis

3rd Person POV:

 "We have it Lord Megatron." Starscream said bowing as he presented the cylindrical shaped object to his leader. Megatron turned and gave a shark like grin down at the seeker.

He walked over and took the device, examining every inch of it. "We have yet to see what it does but I'm sure it's something powerful." Knockout informed him. "It better be." Breakdown growled, "It took too long to get that thing out the glacier."

"And I trust you did not have many interruptions?" The war lord asked. 

"The Autobots showed up but they were too late." Starscream grinned. "The drones had already dug it out by time they arrived."

'Excellent work you three.' Megatron said, 'I trust you to take it and store it safely away. We'll work out later what it does.' He handed the relic back to Starscream and he and Knockout went to the storage units while Breakdown went to his room.

When they reached the holding unit, the seeker punched in a code but got a alert telling him it was incorrect. He growled and tried a few more times but was denied over and over.

"Open!" He screeched and banged the door, "Why won't this infernal thing work!?" "I suspect it's still on the fritz from that last Autobot attack." Knockout said.

Starscream growled and continued banging the keypad. The medic then felt a chill run down his back and turned, coming face to face with Soundwave. He yelled and backed away from the visored mech.

Soundwave jabbed a digit at the door. "Just putting away a relic. But you see- uh." Starscream started. "The keypads not working." Knockout said simply. The TIC looked from the cherry mech to the seeker, trying to tell if they were lying or not.

He stood for a few more moments before walking over and detaching his tentacles, plugging them into the keypad and looking for the problem.

Starscream's optics suddenly drifted from the relic in his servos to Soundwave's turned back. Knockout, catching his movements and following his train of thought, put a servo to hold the seeker back, "Don't." He said softly.

"We'll need a test dummy sooner or later." The SIC quietly said, "And why not rid ourselves of an annoyance." Knockout just groaned, knowing he was talking about his last plot to overthrow Megatron. The one he never even got to deploy because he'd been caught by Soundwave.

Starscream turned the device over till he found a small switch. He flicked it and a small barrel popped out of one end. A button glowed next to the switch. The seeker grinned giddily and aimed it at Soundwave.

The slender mech had just finished with the computer but sensed something going on behind him. He turned to find Starscream pointing the relic right at him. "So long, Eyes and Ears." He whispered and pressed the button.

A shot issued from the device, throwing both Starscream and Knockout back and sending the cylinder spinning out his servos and to Soundwave where it broke upon hitting the floor. The shot hit Soundwave square in the chassis and immediately engulfed him in a bright, white light.

The two watched as the light faded to reveal a fallen relic, which was now broken in two, and no Soundwave in sight. "So," Knockout said, casually sitting up, "Figured out what it does yet?"

Starscream gasped and crawled over to the device but stopped. Both bots froze at the sound of heave footsteps coming towards them. "Care to explain how you screw up putting a SIMPLE RELIC AWAY?!" Megatron yelled, looking from the two bots to the destroyed relic.

"U-um,  W-ell-l, you-u s-s-ee." Starscream stuttered. The war lord ignored him and walked over to the device, leaning down to pick it up. As his servos closed around it, he felt them brush something and a small, annoyed beep was heard.

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