Chapter 210: Tea Time with Royalty

Start from the beginning

The door opened and a couple of interesting faces to be seen. There was the crying face of the Little Princess, the awkwardly smiling faces of Grey and Yuna, and ones full of surprise from the Royal Family. The King was especially dumbfounded.

"Haah... I did hear you were here, but to that it really is true... Haah... It's been some time, hasn't it, Grey, Yuna?" [Ernes]

"Y-Yeah... It's been some time, Your Majesty..." [Grey]

Still smiling awkwardly, Grey couldn't help but greet everyone. Yuna followed soon after with a silent nod. Awkward silence was looming about the Little Princess' room as everyone entered one after another.

Thankfully, because of the Queen and Crown Princess, the Little Princess finally calmed down. Unfortunately, Grey and Yuna were caught. And so, that's how our main characters got themselves to such a suffocating situation.

"Little Princess, why don't we sit with Missus Natasha for now? Your mother would be sad if you always stay with Big Sis, you know?" [Yuna]

"No..." [Natalia]

Well, even if she has stopped crying, the Little Princess still stuck close to the two, sitting whilst sulking on Yuna's lap. Thankfully, no one minded itー rather, everyone simply looked at her with warm gazes.


The King put down his tea cup and a single clack echoed in the air, turning everything silent. Though he is usually mischievous and annoying, he was very dignified right now. Even Grey and Yuna couldn't help but feel intimidated.

"You two... You do know what you did was trespassing, don't you?" [Ernes]

And there it was, the topic Grey and Yuna wanted to avoid the most. The moment the King mentioned such words, their eyes quickly went swimming. There wasn't any sort of aura released yet they felt intense pressure in the air, weighing down heavily on their shoulders.

"I know that the kingdom is greatly indebted to you two, but such behavior is still unacceptable. You could have gotten punished if it was any other Royal Family, or noble household for that matter.

You two are extremely powerful, there's no denying that. I'm sure you could easily crush the kingdom if you wanted to, especially with the powerful abilities you possess. But just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

You might think you're still normal, but you should be aware of your identities by now. There are people who would gladly follow your examples. And there isn't just one or two, there are hundreds, maybe even thousands.

You should be aware of your influence and responsibilities. Especially you Grey, now that you've reached Calamity-Class, you should think your actions more thoroughly. This could be considered an act of terrorism in other countries, you know. In addition to that......" [Ernes]

Everyone was shocked by the bomb the King dropped, about Grey's rank, but he didn't mind their reactions and simply continued talking. Though Grey and Yuna wanted to retort, they could only keep quiet.

The King's lecture continued for several more minutes, pointing out many aspects without regards to Grey and Yuna's feelings. His words were harsh and sharp like a deadly sword. He had become a totally different person.

"So... Do you understand what I'm getting at?" [Ernes]

""Yes..."" [Grey and Yuna]

"And what should you say?" [Ernes]

""Sorry..."" [Grey and Yuna]

"It's alright. As long as you two understand." [Ernes]

They were like children getting scolded by their father, only able to keep their heads down and apologize. It was a truly interesting situation unlike any other. The King simply drank another sip of tea soon after, acting as if everything was normal.

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