Start from the beginning

I still didn't know anything about myself even after the eight months.

The doctors even said I wasn't supposed to walk and my baby wasn't supposed to survive but it was a miracle.

Just at the 9-month mark, my water broke. We were ending our little road trip and I felt it happening, just as we were returning to her town.

She drove me to the hospital and I birthed Iyanna Davis. Iyanna felt familiar to me but I didn't understand why. I felt like a grown baby because I'm doing all these grown things but not understanding anything.

Soon enough it happened, and I started to remember something.

It was really stupid but I was at daycare and I saw college cheer on TV, it felt familiar and things came back to me.

It wasn't enough though, nothing was enough to jog everything.

By the two year marking of waking up from the crazy coma, The lady I stayed with, Annie, already got me a job I saved enough to get out of her hair and into my own space. The space was next door to her though.

I even went to a therapist for a couple of months who said it could be a case of Post-traumatic amnesia but he also said that I needed to try to remember my past. He said I wasn't trying hard enough. So when Annie said she was going back to the town that I woke up in, I packed up my entire apartment, I took Iyanna and I was ready to completely move back into that town and slowly put the pieces together.

If I need to jog my memory I would be easier in the place I started in.

Annie told me that she was giving away Roxy because Roxy deserves a younger family That can actually take care of her since Annie was really old.

So I went with her and she even offered for me to meet the couple she was giving Rox too but I declined because there was a meeting for an apartment in the town and I couldn't miss it.

Luckily I got it and Annie celebrated with me at a bar and at that bar it all hit me.

They were playing the same college sports channel and it was cheer.

Little pieces over the past couple of years came to me and I remember things from my childhood like my baby sister and my older brother.

However watching a girl who looks just like me, watching her cheer just threw me off.

I knew that, she was my baby sister, it's like when you have a gut feeling, you follow it and I did.

I got home and did research, Ivy Davis was really Ivanna Davis. She was a cheerleader. She had a sister named Iriseanne Davis who passed away from a car crash and it all hit me.

I remembered everything, every single thing.

Picking up Ivy, writing her a note, exaggerating my bed rest, being excited about my baby with Andrew.

I remembered it all and it was all so overwhelming that I sobbed for hours and hours.

Then I made it my absolute journey to find out everything about her, I didn't know how I'd appear on her doorstep, or how'd I'd even find out where she is but I just needed to know.

I looked through social media and I tried to contact everyone who she followed but they wouldn't answer some empty account. However, one person did.

Jayden Bowen.

I met him for lunch and he told me about him transferring and everything that went on and I hated his guts, I honestly wanted him dead but he helped me find her.

After that, I searched and searched and I found out about these girls.

They made her life hell and they were in jail for it but that wasn't enough.

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