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Ivy is knocked out on top of me and I've been picking at the rhinestones on her bonnet.

I know she's gonna be mad when she wakes up and sees half of them missing and on my chest.

Today is a new day and not only is my birthday tomorrow but the events of my birthday are all riding on whether they win or not.

As much as Ivy says it doesn't matter if they win or lose she's lying. She broke her foot or sprained her ankle or something and if she lost I know she'd blame herself.

I know the guys are throwing me a party but I absolutely don't want one, I just want to be with Ivy for my birthday.

We have a whole bunch of food places in Daytona that we've been planning on trying on our food list and Ivy even bought the food scrapbook too so I'd rather spend the day doing that.

Just then I feel my phone vibrate.

Kade: I know Iv loves Pink Whitney so should I get that for the party?

Ivy doesn't even like Pink Whitney she hates it because it reminds her of her crazy days when she used drinking as a form of therapy, but clearly, I only know that because I know her better than everyone.

Well maybe not better than Kimani, but we're getting there.

Me: No Pink Whitney. No party

I hate the fact that nobody is listening to me when I say no party, I just don't want a party.

Normally yes, a big party, lots of girls, strip clubs, loud music, But this year is different.

I'm content. I don't need all of the temporary things, I have a forever thing and that's Ivy, I just want to spend the day with her.

When I feel slight shuffling around I just watch till her eyes start blinking around.

She reaches around till she feels my hand and she squeezes it softly. She always does that when waking up.

She always checks if I'm still here.

"Alex" She groans sitting up.

"Good morning Ivy" She's still half asleep I can tell by how she's squinting.

"How'd you sleep," She asks while sliding away from my chest so she could sit on the edge of the bed.

"Good, I woke up before you so I just waited for you to wake up," I tell her while scooting around so I'm sitting next to her.

"Oh okay, well wish us luck, awards are today" She reminds me and I smile at her.

"Wishing you all the luck Ivy" I move in closer to kiss her and she's about to kiss me too but she backs away.

"Morning breath" She reminds me while standing up and limping slightly.

"Ivy just use your crutches" I grab them and hand them to her.

"I have to shower and I don't want them to get wet" I forgot to mention that Ivy woke up in the middle of the night and ended up bedazzling her crutches.

A little extreme? Yes, but she did sprain her ankle and she deserved whatever she wants so even if I had to run to Walmart at 3 am and buy a whole bunch of gems it doesn't matter because I love her and I'll forever spoil her.

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