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I was flipping, I landed it and I felt great. I thought it was great. I felt so much adrenaline, too much adrenaline.

I was doing high jumps, big splits, and basket tosses, I didn't even feel a single thing.

It was so much adrenaline that by the time we were coming off the stage it all hit me like a truck, the pain, the pressure, it was too much, it hurt too much.

Hurts to where I was just seeing spots and eventually full darkness.

"Ivy!" Kimani is yelling at me and slapping my face and now I'm laying flat in a paramedic tent.

My back hurts, my head hurts, everything fucking hurts.

"OWWW" I'm practically screaming out the top of my lungs in excruciating pain, I think I broke my ankle or foot or something.

"Ivy" Alex is rushing up to me seeing my bawling while the lost paramedics try to do something.

"What's going on?" He asks but I'm just sobbing, It hurts so fucking bad.

"I think my ankles broken" I groan, This cannot be happening right now.

"Take a deep breath Ivy, they're going to drive you to a hospital and we're gonna figure this out," Coach Daisy tells me as Alex gets in with Kimani and Sasha watch the medics drive off.

About an hour later here I am in the hospital sitting with my ankle wrapped up and put into a splint.

"We got you flowers" My mom comes in and I immediately smile.

"Thank you mom" I put the flowers down hugging her.

"You were amazing out there, I didn't even notice that you hurt anything" She certifies but it does no justice.

"Ivy pie" Kimani comes in with Alex and Sasha and they have an actual apple pie with them.

"So what's happening?" They ask.

"The doctor said it was a mild sprain, I'll need the crutches for maybe a couple of days and I can start walking on it in a couple of days also I can go back to cheer in around six weeks, but this is fine because cheer season is over, Spring break season is here" I explain and they all laugh very relieved.

"That's great, your father was so worried he didn't even want to come in" I immediately drop the smile when I hear his name.

I haven't spoken to him since I ghosted him.

"Well, in that case, can you guys all go, I'll be out soon, I just need to get my stuff together" I explain but of course, Alex thinks that excludes him.

"Honestly Ivy I'm surprised you're not more upset" Alex grabs the crutches for me.

"I normally would be but this was the last competition so I won't miss out on anything I'll just be crutched up at the press conferences but I am sorry that I'm ruining your birthday plans for the day after tomorrow," I tell him while handing him the flower and pie and using my crutches.

"Ivy no, you didn't ruin anything, the guys are coming up here for spring break and to throw me a party and honestly I wanted an excuse to get out of it and now I can say I just wanna spend the day with my girl" He smiles while opening the door for me.

"Really?" I squint, I'm not happy about the guys coming up because I know that includes Jayden but I'm not mad either because he's on my list.

All I'm waiting for is Alex's birthday and right after that's I'll make my moves. Me and my crutches are a little bit of a setback but I have a crazy boyfriend so he'll help.

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