How Exercise Helped Me Beat Mood Swings

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Mood swings out of control? You're not alone my friend, believe me. I'm Katie and once upon a time, managing my moods was easy-breezy. I mean sure there was the odd tear and occasional outburst here and there, but for the most part, I could handle it. Little did I know ... that was all about to change.

I can't pinpoint exactly when things started to go downhill, all I know is it was normal for my day to be totally ruined by a sad TV commercial, a poorly phrased text, or even something as simple as forgetting to buy bananas. Sound like you too? Don't worry! Because I've come out the other side. Heck, I can even look back and laugh now. Kinda. And that's all down to one thing: EXERCISE. It might just help you too...

Morning Yoga

The first time I set my alarm half an hour early to do some yoga, it was tough, I'm not gonna lie. But as soon as I realized how awesome it made me feel, I never looked back, and you won't either! Research tells us it takes around two months to form a new habit, but I found it took me just two weeks for yoga to become a practice I just can't be without. More leveled out emotions, feelings of gratitude that keep my mood lifted, better perspective, and moments of calm and clear-headedness are just a few of the ways yoga has improved my day-to-day. Now I'm even one of those cheesy people who says "yoga will change your life." Because it really, really will.

Tip: You could book a class, but l'd recommend YouTube as it's less pressure. And just a few feet away from your bed.

Walking, Walking, Walking

The day I swapped my overcrowded, stuffy commute for a long walk out in the open air, a lot changed for the better. Yes, I finally started hitting my daily step goal. But more importantly, I started clearing those cobwebs and creating some much needed headspace. I've since discovered a study that says an hour of walking can reduce your depression by 26 percent — crazy huh? You have no excuse not to try it now. It's also a chance to practice all that mindfulness you've been channeling on the mat as you take in the joy of your surroundings. This morning I noticed the earthy smell that comes after the rain and a dog's joy-filled face after finding its new favourite stick. Dreamy.

Tip: Change into comfy workout gear before and after work — it makes me much more likely to give the bus a miss!

Going For a Run

Ever get halfway through the day and find your head feels like it's about to explode? Maybe you're struggling to balance that post-pandemic social life, or perhaps like me, you're always making your way through that never-ending to-do list. Well, let me tell you, going for a run is like one big, giant "restart" button for your soul. I head out any time I'm feeling overwhelmed and come back feeling brand new. Even a 10-15 minute jog around the block is enough to get those feel-good endorphins flowing. Plus, you can listen to your favorite podcast or album while you're at it. Falling in Reverse, anyone?

Tip: You can track your steps with your FitBit or your Apple Watch. You can also track your heartbeat, how many miles you've walked, and some lady even caught her husband cheating because of his heart rate at a very strange hour.. so there's many added bonuses lol

Spin For The Win

If the thought of going to a spin class scares you, I totally get it. I was there once too. If I'm really honest, it still scares me sometimes. But believe me, there is nothing like the mental reset you'll get from half an hour of pedalling faster than you thought possible to some bangin' tunes. Yes it's intense, but the benefits you'll feel for days after each session will make how tough it was feel like a distant dream. Do it enough and you'll even get to the point where it becomes.... dare I say it, fun. Just thinking about it makes me want to get my next class booked in. (And that's something I never thought I'd say!)

Tip: Book a non-refundable class. It doesn't have to be harsh on your bank account if it means you definitely go.

I'm in no doubt that exercise has helped my mood swings, but what does the expert say? Professor Sarina Schrager, specialist in family medicine and women's health, shares the science behind it all.

"The benefits of exercise are undeniable. Not only does it help you maintain your weight, but studies show it can decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and several different forms of cancer. It also makes you feel fantastic. It's thought regular exercise can help treat depression, anxiety, and premenstrual syndrome.

When it comes to improving mood, no one is completely sure why exercise works, but research suggests it could be down to a couple of different factors. Firstly, it can increase your endorphin levels, which are considered the body's natural opioids. Ever heard of a "runner's high'"? This is what that's referring to. It can also affect a variety of other substances in your body and decrease inflammation. Studies show that exercise can work to help anxiety, just as well as medications — without the side effects!

When it comes to the effect of exercise on premenstrual syndrome specifically, there are multiple studies, mostly examining cardio (running, walking, biking, and swimming) or yoga. While most have shown a benefit, we are still waiting for more studies to confirm this. What is indisputable looking at all the collective research, is that all types of exercise seem to demonstrate benefits to your mood."

Many of us share the pain of mood swings, so let's
start sharing our cures, too! If you've got any tips
and tricks, make sure to post about them in the comments below. :)

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