Red Meat Can Be Bad for Your Health

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Daily consumption of red meat increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes. Smoked and salted meat products and convenience foods containing preservatives can be even more harmful. They contain harmful substances, such as saturated fats and carcinogens. Research shows that consuming such products increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 42 percent, type 2 diabetes by 19 percent, and colorectal cancer by 20 percent.

There are health benefits to eliminating or reducing your intake of red meat and substituting it with healthier proteins. For example, eating fish, poultry, and legumes is generally good for your health.

** So, when i was on a strict vegan diet people would enjoy being incredibly cringe by asking the same questions over and over, one of which being "where do you get your protein??" and i would always clap back with "where your 'protein' gets its protein, the damn grass" and their faces would say it all 😂😂😂
my husband is on what he likes to call the "Jesus Diet" so he's basically pescatarian but he'll also eat chicken but it's mostly a whole food diet like veggies, grains, real protein (not from powder or dead animals that had to suffer) (if and when he decides to eat a fish or a chicken (which is rare/he's aiming to go vegetarian) he does not buy it from the store, he does not support these big farms; we have our own little farm) and im one of those people that will not eat a chicken or it's egg; B U T eating the egg isn't bad. yes, it's against veganism b u t vegetarians often will eat eggs especially if they have their own laying hens BECAUSE if you have just the laying hens, they're going to be laying eggs constantly, right?? i find it very unethical to see that food going to waste. if there isn't a rooster around to place it's sperm onto the egg, a chicken will never develop, right?? Right! so, it is not a terrible thing to eat an egg (unless you're vegan for ethical reasons). now, I've never been much of an egg eater, i don't trust chicken but i do like bbq chicken breast, i will not eat pork, i will very rarely eat beef (i grew up only eating beef, occasionally fast food chicken, and i wouldn't eat pork after a while idk it always made me really sick after eating it) so i kinda just naturally cut out meat but not even on purpose.
I do recommend eating (either or both) chicken breast, especially if cooked in the air fryer or grilled on a grill (yum!) i highly recommend a deviled or boiled egg, even an egg salad sammich, but i do not ever recommend fried chicken or fried eggs. Yuckies!! it makes my belly sick just thinking of it. 😷
Hot Dogs?? Don't even!! Never ask me about hot dogs.
you wanna eat a hot dog at a cookout?? Okay. with every hotdog you eat in your life, dig; just start digging your grave because with each one you're that much closer 😷 just thinking about hot dogs makes me feel sick. Yuck!!

I'm not here to shame anybody. But I'm definitely judging hardcore if you eat hot dogs on the regular 😂😂😳👀 please go get a check up from the doctors if you do that.
And!! IMPORTANT INFO AHEAD: if you cannot afford to go to the doctors or if you can't afford it financially if a loved one were to die or get sick, you do not need to be eating like you can afford a triple bypass. You can't afford that shit. You can't afford to take all that time off work.

Some of y'all better start taking your health a lot more serious. Those of you that eat McDonald's for every dang meal, you ever wonder why you feel groggy all the time or why you can't sleep at night?? Ever wonder why your stomach constantly feels heavy and upset and full, maybe you're extremely gassy.. stop eating toxins and expecting to live a long healthy life.
Here's an example: if you put gas in a car, it goes, right?? because fuel is exactly what a car needs. our food is our fuel, but we have different types: unhealthy but cheap junk, then you got the more expensive good stuff. Ya know how they say food is fuel?? It definitely is. 👌🏻

pay the extra pennies for the good stuff. it's worth it.
you going out, constantly eating BS that I'd hardly call food is practically you saying that your life isn't worth it.
your life is worth it, get the good shit.
stop going out to eat, stop buying 12$ coffees from shitty chain "cafès", stop unnecessarily spending extra money elsewhere, and put what you're not going to save into buying great whole food.
you'll start feeling a lot better, i promise 👌🏻

and drink more water! you'll notice clearer skin, (no acne!!), it'll be easier to go to the toilet (if ya know what i mean), healthier hair, you'll be more energized because you won't be so dehydrated, and i don't know how true this is but some say they sleep better when they don't drink as many sodas but drink more water; im sure it's probably true though, you're not so hopped up on sugar from the sodas.
drinking more water will definitely help your tummy. those of us with anxiety often times deal with tummy aches daily and it's horrible. also if you have acid reflux or issues with stress and if you have an unhealthy relationship with food (under eating/over eating) you'll more than likely have some serious belly aches. BUT!! water is naturally here to your tummy rescue!! :)
so please drink some!!

and trust me, i of all people know just how hard it is 😩 as a kid (and teen (and adult)) my mum says "the only way your body gets water is through absorption when you take showers" lol so lately i have been trying to drink at least a bottle a week. and slowly im gonna incorporate it into my daily diet and have a bottle a day. but some things take time lol and a bottle a week is a lot better than three sips a month. (i legit NEVER drink water so idk how i have survived this long, truthfully. God must really want me to live cause water surely wasn't the cause)

the water that i can drink the most is Nestlé brand, it's called Splash. the lemon one and the orange one is the best!! it's legit the ONLY water in the entire world that i can easily fully drink, the entire bottle like within minutes.
I know it's probably not "the best" but hey, one step at a time. at least it's gotten me to drink water 🙃🤷‍♀️
Secondly, Aldi has two kinds of bottled water (when i buy bottled water, it's NEVER single use in my household; between my husband and i, we use them as to-go bottles to take juice on the go, i use mine mostly to mix Hershey's syrup with oat milk, i use them and rinse them and reuse them so don't come at me cause i will deadass fight you hoe) annnyyyywayyyyy 🙄
Aldi sells two types of bottled water, one purified (which is hard to swallow and tastes like chlorine), and spring water (which is soft and tastes amazing)
so of course i buy the spring water and drink it but it's still plain water, no matter how good it tastes, I'll still choose juice and chocolate milk over it any day lol SO in comes the Splash water :)

Anyway, hope this helps! Try those waters!! I'm picky as hell, as is my husband only about water lol, so if we like- you might like!

Hope all has a wonderful beautiful start to 2022!! 🥰🤗😘 i hope nothing but great things happen for me, for you, for our great country, and i will also pray for those who are about to start a family and those who are trying and have been trying; stop stressing, it'll happen when it's meant to happen!! 🥺🖤 i love you all and i genuinely hope and pray all your dreams for yourself and your loved ones come true this year. I truly hope this is a year full of love and wander and adventure and politeness and kindness and I hope genuinely kind people get everything beautiful that they deserve as I do also hope icky assholes get all the karma that they deserve! if you're a terrible individual doing horribly unspeakable things; i genuinely hope that you go to jail and rot behind bars 🤗🥰😘

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