6 Things About Emergency Contraception Your Doctor Wants You To Know

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i apologize but please read header & rant
** i can't believe i even have to put a disclaimer on this book, out all of my books i thought this would be my most peaceful one
but apparently not because haters stay lurking 👀
So, i would never glorify things such as negativity towards ones self or others, i certainly wouldn't suggest anybody do anything negative or hateful towards ones self or anybody else. and i certainly wouldn't glorify un-aliving yourself nor would i promote it or substances.
So, if you couldn't tell, the above header was an artsy fartsy shot of emergency contraceptives because this chapter is all about emergency contraceptives. but, people are extra sensitive these days, they get triggered and offended for one thing or another, then they tell all their little minion followers to report this absolutely terrible human and harass them for being a laundry list of big, mean and incredibly overused insulting names (that none of them even know the actual definitions of) but it gets their point across, that they're "big mad", so they're very well pleased with themselves afterwards.
So, in conclusion, people of today's age throw these major temper tantrums and people like me, who mind their business but don't coddle grown ass adults, have to pay the consequences because big businesses (such as Wattpad) HAVE to coddle to stay in business, otherwise the big babies will "peacefully protest" aka riot them, and they can't handle all that, so everybody just gives in to these big ole babies throwin even bigger tantrums and normal people that were taught "if you don't like it, don't look at it" "if you don't want to watch it, turn the channel" "if you don't want to read that book, put it down" and "if you don't want to see it, look the other way" apparently we're just oh so terrible for minding our own damn business so we get flagged and reported and terminated :) 🙃🙃🙃
So, if i suddenly disappear, you know why :)
(i do apologize for having to insert this here, but it's something i've been battling for quite sometime. im talking about one thing, not another, so don't twist shit. I understand if you're only here to read books, or to read this and educate yourself on this matter; as you should be, seeing as it's a reading app not a dramatic arguing app,  but unfortunately others seem to want to start drama everywhere they go, i guess they have nothing better to do, idk. But this will hopefully be the last time i go through something like this, i will strive to keep it out of my works on my end, i do apologize again, just bare with me; losers with no life enjoy attacking me and calling me names like some middle school bullies. they stay bothered by me and i just be doing me 🤷‍♀️)

When you're in the midst of a pregnancy scare, your first thought might be to turn to emergency contraception. But is it going to help? Do you know all the options? Here's what your doctor wishes you knew...

1. It won't work if you're already pregnant

Let's be straight up from the start — emergency contraception (EC) prevents a pregnancy before it happens. There are different types of EC, and they work by either stopping your body from releasing an egg; stopping the egg from being fertilized; or stopping it from implanting in your womb. (You can discus your options with a doctor or at a sexual health clinic or pharmacy).

2. The IUD is the most effective option

If you think EC = a pill, think again. The copper intrauterine device (better known as the IUD or coil), is actually the most reliable option — it reduces the risk of pregnancy by up to 99.9 percent. And you can have it inserted up to five days after unprotected sex and it'll still offer protection against pregnancy. As an added bonus, once it's in, you can use it as contraception for up to ten years.

3. The sooner you act, the better

If an emergency contraceptive pill is the best option for you, you'll need to take it within three or five days of having unprotected sex, depending on which type you take. There are two kinds, which have different brand names depending on where you live. But both types have one thing in common: The earlier you take it, the more effective it is.

4. You shouldn't rely on the emergency pill as contraception

It's less effective than regular contraception long term. Plus, it can have some unpleasant side effects (including headaches, tummy pain, vomiting, and irregular bleeding in the coming weeks or month), so it's not something you want to use regularly. If you're no stranger to pregnancy scares, it might be time to figure out a form of contraception that actually works for you. Schedule an appointment to discuss your options to help spare you stress in the future.

5. If you throw up after the emergency pill, it might not work

Yep, if you vomit within two hours of taking it, consult with the person who prescribed it to see if you need to take it again (or maybe just get an IUD) to protect against pregnancy.

6. The emergency pill doesn't provide lasting protection

Don't give yourself a double pregnancy scare! If you have unprotected sex any time after taking an emergency contraceptive pill, you could get pregnant. Also, be aware that the emergency pill can temporarily impact the efficiency of other forms of contraception so, if you take EC, check with your health care provider about if you need to use extra protection — and for how long.

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